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If you don't hold your breath as you pass a cemetery you will die or become possessed.

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This was actually a very common belief at my school-we thought that if you were passing a cemetary you had to hold your breath, otherwise an evil spirit would invade your body and you would die. You didn't have to hold your breath if you were touching metal, this was obviously because doing this gave the ghosts good luck, and they'd leave you alone. I strongly believed this, and so did all my friends. There was one cemetary that was very large, and there was a stop sign on the road going past it. I cannot say how many kids turned blue passing this cemetary.

some stupid kids from toronto
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Wen i was younger i was told that if you held your breath when driving past a cemetery, you would live a day longer. If you breathed in u would suck in dead spirits and loose a day off your life span!

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when i was young i used to believe that if you went by a graveyard and read a tombstone, then that person would haunt you, unless you held your breath

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When I was little, my father once told me that while driving past a cemetary that you had to hold your breath or the spirits will be sucked into your lungs and you would be cursed with whatever that spirit had left over to complete in their lives.

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When I was 4 my sister told me that if, when passing a cemetary, you breath in the air, the dead people will come back alive as ghosts or zombies and try to kill me for breathing around them. Up until I was 12 did I hold my breath around cemetaries, even though I knew it wasn't true when I was 11, just to be sure.

Breath Holder
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I used to believe that if I didn't hold my breathe while going past a grave yard, I would die.

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i belive that whenever you pass a graveyard that you should try and hold your breath so that your soul doesn't get taken

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I used to believe that, if you inhaled at all while going by a cemetary, you would inhale the souls of the dead and they would take over your body.

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top belief!

I was told by a friend in elementary school that you had to hold your breath while passing by a cemetary. If you didn't, you would get "Cemetary Breath" and die within a few days. There was a huge cemetary near my house that my family would regularly drive past, but they never noticed me turning blue each time we drove past it.

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When we were little, my cousin and I used to hold our breath when we rode by a cemetary. It was rough if the traffic was slow.

Dave T
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When I was young my sister told me that I wasn't allowed to breathe when passing graveyards because it would be "breathing and breath of death."

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Once someone told me whenever you pass a graveyard, if you dont hold your breath you will lose 5 minutes of your life.

Some person
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I used to believe that if you breathed while passing a cemetary then you would be burried there, so I would always hold my breath. This was very difficult if there was a traffic light involved. I can remember many times not being unable to do it and then I would be depressed b/c i was to be burried so far from home.

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