i used to believe

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i used to think people died of old age becuse they rotted

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When I was a kid I though heaven is a bunch of big antic temples (like in Aten or Rome.) placed on clouds.
When I saw big white clouds on sky I tryed hard to see some buldings on them.
Also I thought Angels(all ppl who died) and God loved to watch what ppl on earth are doing caz they could see throo walls. *Jesus had some smarter stuff to do.
So when night came there was no clouds on sky caz heaven went on other side of Earth,where it was sunny,so angles and God could see everything.
I somethimes felt very uncomftrible in bathroom thinking how God and my dead uncle are watching me...

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I used to think that it would take forever to float up to Heaven because it was way up in the sky. I always pictured people floating up in space, and finally reaching the top.

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when i was about 8 or 9, my dad took my sister and i to a chinese restraunt. there were quarter machines there. (you know, where you put in a quarter and somthing in a little bulb comes out. well i got a little squeeze toy (anger thing) and when i got home, my dad went to bed and my sister was in bed, too. i was the only one awake and i was just watching tv chewing on the anger thing. soon it bursted and a bunch of sand went into my mouth. i was freaking out because i thought it was poison! i thought i was gonna die! so i went running into my dads room and told him and he laughed and said 'yeah, your gonna die!' and started crying so i called my mom and told ehr i was going to die and that i loved her and then i told her why and she said i wasnt gonna die. i felt like killing my dad!

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I used to believe that my grandfather was dead and that the man i saw was just his ghost. I thought this because he already had his grave stone so he could be burried with his late wife. I saw that and though that ment he was dead.

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I used to believe that those vases that they put on grave stones sometimes were a sort of window to were you could see the persons face.

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When we were young my brother and I convinced my sister that when people died, they exploded and made a huge mess. She cried, it was great. She believed it until mom and dad found out and made us correct ourselves to her.

Dan from Brockport,NY
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i used to belive that when you die you have to pass a test which tels you where you should go: in heaven or hell

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I had a babysitter who warned all us kids not let the crumbs from our doughnuts to fall on the floor of her van, or her husband would "kill her". I imagined us all fending for ourselves, no babysitter to take us to the bathroom or give us snacks. I was scared to death.

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I used to think that when people had heart attacks someone came and stabbed their heart

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i used to believe that the stars would fall anytime soon and we would all die just like in the movie armagedon. my mum had to send me for counselling cos i was too afraid to sleep at nite.

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That if you hit the floor from a really big hieght in you dreams you die

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When i was about 4, my Pop died and my parents told me that he went to heaven up in the sky. From then on i assumed that people went to heaven on helicopters and each time i saw one i would get upset because i thought someone was about to go to heaven.

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Back in university, my friend told me that when you see a white butterfly, it's the person's soul coming back to reassure loved ones... and every time I've lost someone, I've always seen a white butterfly come and fly about me... so I hold them i reverence....

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wen i was about 6 my big sister told me that if i lay in bed so my feet were at the bottom a wicked witch would drag me by my feet under the bed and kill me i berlived it till i was 10 i used to sleep curled in a ball i still to this day dont like streching out in bed lol

how silly was 1
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One day me and my grandma passed by a cemetary and i asked her what it was and she said it was where they buried dead peoples bodies. So after that i thought that they buried the bodies and the family kept the head!

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I used to think and believe that dead people if not properly buried in a well ventillated grave,they would suffocate and die over and over again with great suffering and pain.Consequently I was afraid even of thinking that someone who died would be buried.I preferred for them to be left out somewhere to decompose in the open.

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I used to believe that you could only ever die on your birthday.

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I used to believe that you had to be an adult in order to die, because of all the times on tv and movies when characters said "I'm too young to die."

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I believed one of the greatest dangers you could face was quick sand. I was scared to death of it.

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