i used to believe

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I used to belive that when an animal or a person passed away that they turned into a cloud in the sky and floated away to heaven.

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When my Nana died I asked my Mum where does she go when she is dead. My Mum advised that she turns to "dust". It was my job at the time to do the dusting and I refused to do it as I didn't want to "dust" my Nana off the furniture etc.

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I used to believe that if you walked through a graveyard at night then you would be friends with all the dead people because you gave up your sleeping time to come and say hello to them! There was an old wrecked graveyard just up the road from my old house and because the gates were broken I used to leave my house at night to go and be nice to the dead people. Then I used to tell everybody that I was friends with dead people!

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my mum called my dads grave a daddys garden,i thought that when you went in i would see my dad i was about 3. sad.

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I used to not know what autopsy ment, so I would get one of my teddy bears, rip their arm off, and perform a autopsy on it. Then my mom told me it was for dead bodys to see how they died.

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I used to believe that when people died their eyes turned into X's, like on the cartoons. Oh and I thought your tongue hung out when you died so every time I played dead I had my tongue out... lol

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I used to believe that your shoelaces could get caught in an escalator and you would get horrifically mauled as you got dragged into the tiny space between the floor and the stair.

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When I was little I use to believe that if a person was fired from their job they were litteraly lit on fire and killed.

Josh Hudson
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I used to believe that babies where really old people that had 'turned young again' and that graveyards where only there for decoration. I believed this until my dad gave my sister, brother and me 'the talk'

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As an artist, i used to believe that my drawings were visions of my past life.(i had a good past life)

Blind dreamer
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I used to think that every star in the night sky repersent one of my previous friends from the past. Everytime i looked @ them, i would hum a melody and the stars would start to shine brighter. I still like to hum and watch the stars because of the comfort it brings.

Blind dreamer
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When I was little I did not want to go to the bathroom at night because I thought that the dude from Scream was going to show up in the window and kill me! I still get freaked out sometimes!

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iused to belive that if you die when you get buirred worms would come up and eat your skin then you are a skelotin

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I used to believe that convicts who had done really serious crimes, and have had death sentences were forced to play part in a theatre or film production where they would be killed on set (aka, actors who die). This was inspired when I went to watch a play in the threater where someone was "hung" on stage. I now know, they were wearing a harness.

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when i was little my mom told me that the oil spots in the road were really children that didnt look both ways before crossing the street. it worked for a while.

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i used to believe that when you went to sleep you died and then came back to life in the morning

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When I was a kid my brother used to tell me that
ronald mcdonald Lived under my bed and whenever there was a full moon he would come out and kill me. I would always stay in my parents room so He wouldn't get me.

Lizzy the Great!
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I used to think that in mass when they read out the anniversary's of people, that it meant thier wedding anniversary's! until i found out it meant how long they had been dead!

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I used to believe up until I was 16 that if you drove or walked into a dead end dead people would come out of the ground and kill you.

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When I was in Kindergarten we were practicing a fire drill on the school bus. They put my whole class on the bus and shut all the doors. I thought they were really going to set the bus on fire and I freaked out because there was no adults on the bus to open the back door. I remember standing there in line screaming "Who's going to open the door!?" (I didn't know they could open it from the outside) I really thought if I we didn't all hurry and make it off the bus we would die. I ran off the bus and my teacher had to calm me down and assured me nothing bad was going to happen. So I got back on the bus after everyone else was done and went out the back and everyone clapped. I remember feeling so relieved that I wasn't going to have to fight for my life that day and I little silly realizing that it was so easy just to jump out the back.

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