i used to believe

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when i was really little(about 2-3), and my family and i would ride in a car with the windows open, i used to be pertrified that i would fly out the window, so i used to hold tightly onto anything i can grab. i was ssssoooooo scared.

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When I was little, I thought you weren't supposed to have favorites in your family, you were supposed to love everyone the same. But secretly, my grandfather, my mother's father, was my favorite of my grandparents. He died when I was 8, the first of my grandparents to pass away and the only one to die during my childhood (didn't lose another g-parent til my 20's). For a long time I thought God took him away from me, to punish me for having a favorite and not loving all my grandparents the same.

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i think that your family members watch you after death,my grandfather just died,and i think he's watching me,don't laugh,it's actually kind of freaky if you ask me

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i used to belive dieing was scary!!!

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You know when theres a really loud sound and you close and open your ears and it sounds weird when i was little my brother told me that was a sign of death if you do that i got scared well that happend when i was 8 im 15 now ^-^

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Hello,- i'm 16 years old and i come from Denmark. Recently I have been victim for some okward things, seing death people, things that I can see but not anybody else. My brother and I was going around in our housem when I saw a man just in the front of me and my brother,- and my brother didn't see him,.- I asked him afterwards and he said he didn't see anyone, but he had a strange feeling when he walked through our livingroom.

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My grandpa died of lung cancer, and when I was little I thought smoking was when part of your body...smoked literally...I thought his lungs smoked so much they fell apart

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a boy once told me that when girls got their period and if they werent careful and touched the blood accidentaly they would die. i was very very careful.

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when i was a kid, i was in the car with my mom and my mom told me that my grandparents parents died. i thought she said that my grandma and grandpa died. i was really little so i didn't think much of it. about a year later my mom told me that we were going to grandma and grandpa's house. so i said, "i thought they were dead"

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This isn't my story it's my teacher's. it makes me laugh every time.

When my teacher was little, her older brother told her that anyone at anytime could spontaniously combust. She slept witha cup of water next to her every night. =P

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until I was thirteen I used to believe that "homocide" was two homosexuals killing eachother.

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but my aunt used to tell me that if i eat too many noodles, i wud turn into a mummy when i died

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i thought that we were just a big story book that ended when we died

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I used to believe that George Washington died and turned into a bridge.

lara dean
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On my first trip to Medieval Times (the one restaurant where you can watch a jousting show while eating old-style food) when I was nine, I thought the knights were really stabbing and killing eachother and therefore thought it must be quite a dangerous (not to mention suicidal o.o) job.

And then they all came back at the end and I was like "huh what"

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When I was a kid, I'd heard somewhere the statistics regarding the number of deaths that occur in the world each minute. When there were major disasters or accidents with a high number of casualties, I believed that God was napping or distracted, and had to do something big to catch up to the statistic.

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I used to think when you died you got eaten by Elephants, and then when you got pooped out the Elephant Gods would take you to a better place.

Skittle Man
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when i was younger i thought that areoplanes drove dead people to heaven

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I used to believe that when people died they would go to heaven and be able to see everything I did...one of my mom's best friend died when i was bout 7 and anytime i did something embarrassing or felt like i was doing something i shouldnt (even if i was alone) i felt even worse because i thought she was watching me...so sometimes i would think not to do something because i didnt want her friend to see me but then i would always wonder if she could hear my thoughts as well...

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I used to think that the people that died in action movies wanted to give up their life so they really died.....

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