i used to believe

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I used to believe that when you died, your shoulder-blades split open and wings would ccome out, then you would fly up to heaven.

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When I was little I thought for some reason that peoples souls looked like black mini wheats, but they were a bit bigger, about the size of a beach ball. When you died they floated out through the top of your head up to heaven sorta like a helium balloon.

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I used to believe in ghosts because I always heard noises comming from the cellar.

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I used to think that if you fell a very long distance and died, you would turn into blue gel. I don't remember the exact time of onset or when I finally saw the light, but I do remember being frightened about this steep hill near my house. I didn't want to fall down it and turn into blue gel!

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on grave stones when it said "R.I.P." i always thought that was their name. when i saw it on a lot of graves i thought, "wow a lot of people name their kids R.I.P."

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I used to think that when you died, you would be awake trapped in your coffin rotting for all eternity!

Trapped in the Coffin
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When I was in 1st grade I heard the word "Viagra" for the first time. Later that day, my dad was talking about what must have been a heart surgery. I made a connection between the two and decided that a Viagra was a surgery that every man had to get when he turned 50. This surgery involved going into his belly and removing the Viagra vein. Every man had to get this or else he would die.

Shortly after, a boy at school was making fun of me for being a girl. Triumphantly, I told him, "At least I don't have to get a Viagra!" Confused, he asked me to explain. When I told him about the Viagra every boy has to get when he's 50 or else he'll die, he was horrified. He ran to tell his friends and soon most of the boys I knew were buzzing with fear at the idea of some day having to get a Viagra.

Still makes me giggle!

Alou D.
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When I was little, I thought you turned into a Barbie when you died!

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When I was little I thought your hair grew when you died. When I was 4 or 5 my Great Grandma had no hair because she was sick and when we went to her wake she had a wig on and i was scared. Lame I know.

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after watching titanic the first few times, i thought leonardo decaprio (jack) really did die on the titanic

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I used to believe that everyone died once they reach 100. The image being, Granny opens her "Happy 100th" birthday card just before dropping down dead!

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When I was young my mother told me that old people kind of shrink. I thought that they shrunk into babies.

dont know
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My dad was a funeral director and used to take us with him on deat calls. Me and my sister were sitting in the back of the van with the dead body we were about 4 and five. And for some reason I thought all the dead people my dad picked up were really bad. I thought this one guy was a huge mean boxer and thats why he died. weird huh

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When i was little, i used to think that when you bought your grave plot, you bought a house in heaven to live in too!!!!

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i used to thin u dont die

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When I was in grade school, and first began reading some articles in our city's newspaper, I sometimes read about someone's body being found. After my mother explained that this meant the person was dead, I assumed it also meant that these dead people were often decapitated, since I pictured that these articles refered to finding dead people's bodies only -- as opposed to a body with a head.

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When I was little, My grandmother ,God rest her soul told me too always cross my fingers when i saw a Hearse to cross my fingers or someone in your family would be next..
Now i catch myself still doing it till this day and I'm 30 years old now.. That was a little mean don't you think

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i used to believe that humans would never die...but sadly we do:(

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My grandfather had been a gardener all his life and after he retired he taught me a great deal about gardening; tomatoe seed goes in, tomatoe plant comes out. Rose seeds go in, rose bushes come out. I thought it was a miracle.
He died when I was 8 and when they buried him I was mortally afraid that in a few months time, there would be a 'gradfather tree' on the cemetary, with copies of grandpa on the braches.

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I used to believe a clock that went "tick-tack" was ticking death hours. To day, i hate this !!!!!!!

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