i used to believe

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When I was little I thought that when people died they flew up to heaven and sat on the clouds and looked down at us.
but now I don't believe in it.

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I was four years old when an elderly auntie, visiting from England, had a heart attack and died on our bathroom floor.

After the paramedics took her, I was afraid to go into the bathroom for the rest of the day, and I told my mother I didn't want to see the blood on the floor. I think the only experience I had with seeing dead things was roadkill, gutted fish, etc. and I assumed death had to be bloody.

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When I was in kindergarten, I had a friend named Acadia, who had really strong beliefs about god. One day she came up to me and said "have you been good all your life?" and I responded yes, so she said "see you in heaven!" and then high fived me. For the rest of that day, all I could think about was her dieing that night and how she would be up there waiting for me. I was sad because i knew I would keep her waiting for another 100 years or so.

still not dead!
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I used to believe that when you died, people will throw you in the garbage and people will run away, I used to believe that until my gramma died.

ok then......
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Well. when i was 4 or 5, me and my mom were driving down the northway and i saw a cemetary that seemed as though it was in someones backyard. So i was thinking that if you really wanted to, you could bury your family in your backyard if you wanted to. So when i came to this revelation, i told my mom " So wait, if these people can bury their family in their backyard, can i bury you in the backyard?" and she was astonished by this question. So then i just continued what i was saying "Well then, if im gonna bury you in our backyard, i'd better start digging!" and she wont let me live it down to this day.

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when i was about 3 or 4 we where in the car and i told my mom that i thought when people died they turned into cars and thats how come there where so many cars. She said no and she said they got locked up in jail wih oher dead people. then that same day we pasted a cemitary and it had a sign saying where the dead go....... ( i was a good reader)

I dont know...
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We live near some TV and radio towers that blink red. When it is foggy they cannot be seen. I usually only notice them at night, this I always thought they were ladders that were lit up so people who died would find the ladder to climb to heaven. When I asked my mom why God choose red for the ladder instead of blue, she was mystified about how I came up with the whole idea. Recently, she passed away so now when I pass the towers while driving at night, I think of her.

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When i was little, i used to think that after they buried the deceased, Jesus would visit them in their casket and the deceased had to win a fight with Jesus or else they wouldn't got to heaven. If they lost, they have to stay in their casket forever and someone would fill the casket with toothpaste. i don't know why, but i still imagine the fights and think of toothpaste whenever i go to the cemetery...

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i used to believe that people didn't die but decided to spend the rest of forever underground in a dark casket. Also, if one dead person wanted another person's casket because theirs was nicer, they would have dead person fights in the less nice casket and the winner moved to the nice casket.

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I used to believe that when you die an anbulance came for you and flew up to heaven and dropped you off in a cloud.... those were the days... lol

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i used to believe people who died, no died but they went towards other countries or they change in animals

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When I was about 7 or 8, my brother told me if someone looked at all four corners of a room at midnight, they would die the next time they went to sleep. I'm 25 now, and know it isn't true...I caught on by about age 10 or so...but I still can't bring myself to do it.

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when i was about 5 or 6, my great grandma died. of course, i didn't understand, but i asked my mom where she went, and she told me that she flew to heaven on an air plane. i just lost a grandmother, and that is what i told my little brother, who is 3.

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When I was around six I was told the joke:
Where do hamsters go when they die?
To Hamsterdam.

I took this literally and later asked my parents where Hamsterdam, being told that it was in Holland I thought that this was heaven and everyone went there when they died. At my grandfarthers funeral I told my grandma
"Don't worry, Grandad is in Holland now."

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As a child, my sisters and I were afraid to visit my grandmother if it was snowing out. Because we were afraid of having to stay over in her bed. Our reasoning? First Grandpa slept with her.... he died. Then her poodle started sleeping in the bed with her..... and died (very old dog). We really thought that if you sleep with our grandmother... you'll die.

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When I was 4 or 5 years old, I used to believe that my brother was going to die first because he was older than me. When we used to argue and he'd tease me, I would say "Well you're gonna die before me anyways HAA HAA," until one day when my mom heard me and told us that it wasn't true. Much to my brothers relief i'm sure.

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Whenever we drove or walked by a graveyard i noticed that everybody made the sign of the cross. up to the age of eight i thought they were saying hello to all the dead people!

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when I was little, my older brother told me that if I inhaled the dust particles in the air, that I would die because they were toxic. I belived it until I was 13.

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I used to think you couldn't die if you didn't have shoes on. Coincidentally, so did one of my friends.

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When I was a kid, I first heard the term Opus Posthumous at about the time I was also hearing about heaven, celestial choirs of angels, etc. So with kid logic, I assumed that when great composers died, they went to heaven, and in heaven one does what one loves best. Thus somehow they composed new music and sent it back to earth for the rest of us to enjoy. I was disappointed to learn that the term merely covered works discovered after the composer's death.

(this could be religion, languages or music - you decide)

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