i used to believe

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Everytime I went to the dentist and he (actually, it has always been my grandpa) was about to take an Xray, I used to believe he was going to kill me!

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I used to believe that when you died no matter what your tongue hung out the side of your mouth.

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I thought that we all lived forever and there was no death.
It wasn't until Tommy Cooper died (I was age 5) that I realised the terrible truth. I was in shock for a day.

Steve Crawford
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When I was younger, I used to believe that the shapes in the clouds were the people or animals that had just died and were saying goodbye to everyone on their way to heaven.

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When I was little I tried "painting" my nails with markers, and my mom told me to stop, because if I kept doing that, I would get hurt and go to the hospital. I believed this until i was about 10, hehe.

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When I was little, my mom told me that I was going to get a shot, like a vaccine. I didn't grasp the difference between getting shot and getting A shot. I think that's why I'm so quiet now. I thought I was going to die.

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I had some idea of rigor mortis when I was young, but I thought it meant that at the moment you died all your apendages became totally straight and flat. I decided to test this by lying on the bed in a crucifix position, hands flat to the bed and fingers pointing rigidly out, holding my breath. I thought my mother would be terrified to see me OBVIOUSLY dead...but she just told my it was time for supper.

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When I attended my first wake, I remember the my dead next door neighbor opening his eyes. Because my aunt was holding me so I could look in the coffin, I thought that it must just be like this. She wasn't scared. The next day, I went to the funeral. I remember the sight of the coffin being closed, and going to the the graveside. However, they did not lower the coffin into the ground, so I thought that after everyone left the dead body would be removed from the casket and dumped into the ground, like you bury a dead pet! You could use that coffin over and over again. Protect your kids from funerals as long as possible.

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I used to believe that exceed ment to die. So when I heard a commercial say, "Help your child exceed," I was rather disturbed.

Lucky Charms
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When I was a little kid I use to think that when you died you just lied there on the floor in a star shape with your eyes closed. I know better now!!

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I used to believe that the faces or animals I could see in the clouds were actually people and animals that had just died and were going up to heaven.

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When I was about 6, my dad told me that glue was poisonous and that if you eat it, you could die. So, one day at school when a girl in my class was eating the Clag glue (non-toxic, children's glue) that we were using, I told her that she was going to die, and that if she didn't die right now, she would die in her sleep that night.

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i always thought that funerals were sad plays and that they were still living and they left to go to acting school. Damn i was a stupid child.

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i use to believe that you died on your birthday, because they never say on the news that so and so died at age 64 3/4 they just say 64. So i was scared of my birthdays and just wanted the day over so that I knew I would live another year.

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After my grandmother died, my parents kept telling me that we would always have a part of Grandma with us. On the car ride back from the funeral, there was a bag on the seat beside me. When I touch it, it was squishy, just as I imagined a liver or a heart would feel. Was it true that we were taking home an actual part of Grandma? I was petrified of that bag for the entire trip home. It turned out to be pound cake.

Silly girl
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I used to belive that if u step on someones grave their hands would come out of the ground ,grab you and put u in the coffin in the place of the dead body. I thought tbhey did that so the dead person can live longer

HPotter Gurl
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I used to believe that a when a person died their body floated up to heaven, when everyone else was asleep.

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I used to believe that you would die if you stood on the cracks in the pavement.

Richard Pierce
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My nan used to take me and my brother to the Cemetary when we where little and she told us that if we walked on peoples graves their hands would come up and pull us under...never to return!

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This isn't mine but my uncle's. You see, my dad's family was poor and they all got one pop thing a week. One of his brother's saved it and another one drank it all at once. The brother that drank it all at once would drink the brother who saved it. So the one who saved it decided that he would save his old bottle and pee in it so when the other one tried to drink it he would learn a lesson. Well he forgot he peed in it and he drank it and when he remembered he was so scared he thought he would die! He ran all over the house crying histerically telling everyone he would miss them so much!!!!!!!

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