i used to believe

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I use to get funerals and parades mixed up....it was weird.

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I used to believe that when a child died they would go to heaven and were allowed to drive around little child cars. And adults weren't allowed to drive them, so I always wanted to die as a child.

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I used to believe that it was possible to die from hiccups :]

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I used to believe if I looked at a cemetary the dead people would hunt me down and kill me.When I accidently did look I would have major nightmares! This was because I didn't understand---after I went to my first full funeral the nightmares went away.

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When I was a kid, I used to believe that if you walked on a grave, the dead would rise out of the ground and haunt you for the rest off your life. Ever since then, I have been afraid of dead bodies. Even now, even when I know that was a lie, I still have a fear of dead bodies.

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My brother used to tell me that when you got very old you didnt die, you just blow up like a bomb! That is why old people moved so slowly,so they would'nt explode he said. this made me scared to stay at grandma's house for fear that her or grandpa could fall or something and blow us all to heaven and i would have to get new angel friends and stuff and go to church everyday. So every time i went to grandma's house i'd get as faraway from her as i could......

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I used to believe that when you went to a funeral you had to cry in a can, and you had to cry until it was full. My dad made me believe this, i have no idea why.

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When I was a child, I didn't know the difference between a graveyard and cemetary. Since they always called it a "cemetery" in the movies, and a "graveyard" in real life, I thought that cemeteries were where famous people were buried, and graveyards were for normal people. I even had an argument with my friend about it when I was 10!

Clueless Cemetery
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When I was a bit younger i believed that when people die, they get reborn... but everything they had in the last life is different then the new life... weird i know!

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I used to think that 'poisonous' meant something that would KILL you if you ate it. I used to like chewing pencils, but one day my teacher told us not to chew them because the paint is poisonous. I was afraid to tell the teacher that I'd been chewing the pencil in case I got in trouble, but at the same time I was absolutely convinced that I was about to die. I said I felt sick and got the nurse to send me home, so I could die with my mummy...

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I thought dead ppl came back as zombies and ate peoples brains and that is why they buried the ppls undergrounds so the zombies could not escape.
And i was r8 scared of zombies

Sean Kelly
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I used to believe that whoever was older then you would die before you and whoever was younger would die after. even if there's only a second difference.

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One of my cousins had bug spray at camp and told me that if i spray it more then 3 times on myself i would die in my sleep. she was doing this because she knew i already used a lot and didn't want me to touch it. i had already sprayed a lot more then 3 times. i tried my hardest not to sleep because i believed i would die. i was so scared! then i woke up the next morning and didn't die :)

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i used to think that when you die you actually "kicked a bucket" i didnt know about figure of speech back then i watched too many cartoons back then now i go on the computer too much

step away from the video game consoles
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I used to think that when you go to Heaven, you could keep anything you want if you stuff your pockets with what you wanted to bring.

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When I was really little (5 or so) I didn't know that dead people were buried. I thought that they were actually put INSIDE the tombstones and were all...folded up. Then we passed an old graveyard near my house with a tombstone broken in half...I started to wonder why nobody had fixed it to keep the body from falling out.

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when i was a kid i thought that when you died, giant " THE
END" words appeared, followed by a list of credits....guess
i was wrong....

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I used to believe that everyone died at exactly 100 years old.

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When i was little i thaught that when humans die they have to stick theyre tounge out if not theyre ok

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I used to believe when I was in kindergarden that when you died you falled down on the ground with your hands and feets in a cross. You lied in a cross. With your thounge sticking out on the side..

So me and my friend used to play that we died, and that's how we died.

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