i used to believe

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When I was around 5 or 6, I remember telling everyone that since my grandma was dead, she was therefore allergic to being alive.

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I used to believe that R.I.P. on a tombstone meant you had to rip it to make that person come alive again.So one day I went to my granny's grave and tried to rip the tombstone.

Robert J. Hoyt
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I thought people died in the same order they were born, like if you were born 2 years before me you would die 2 years before me!

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I used to think that if you weren't buried in a cemetery or if you were cremated then your ghost would remain on Earth for eternity, and that was why you occasionally will hear voices.

Ghost Whisperer
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When I saw people get shot on tv when I was young, I used to think they were dead if they fell to the ground with their arms over their head. If their arms were down by their side, I thought they would be okay.

Chris - Houston
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i used to think that when u grow up, u would grow so high and live in the clouds instead of dying

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I used to believe that a character who dies in a movie is played by a person who wants to commit suicide, so when a person wanted to die s/he'd simply ask for a role in a movie which the character dies.

ertuğrul k.
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i used to believe they really killed on drama or movie

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My Aunt, my Mother, my 7 year old cousin and I went to visit my Grandads grave once. When my cousin (Luke) saw the vases at the gravestones, he kept staring curiously at them, until finally, he asked "I that how the people down there breath?"

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when i was little, i was so scared of death, as most kids are, i was so scared to go to sleep because i was afraid that i would die. I always heard people say, "Ohh... they died in their sleep." To comfort me, my mom, told me that it was impossible to die in your sleep. I guess I wanted to believe it so bad, I did for years. It wasn't until I was an adult with children of my own that my great-aunt passed away and to comfort me my mom hugged me and said, "It's OK honey, she died peacefully in her sleep." I was horrified! I turned and said, "That impossible." Then she explained the truth. Thank you mom for trying to comfort me, I wish I still believed.

Jennifer Holland
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When I was little I'd been given a brief explanation of what death was. But I misunderstood some of it and i though that one day i would just walk into the livingroom and mum and dad would be there with cheery smiles on their faces saying, "Your going to die today!" I used to believe that and I was very scared.

Flickhead the dickhead
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When i was younger, my mom used to tell me that if i wore my bra to bed I'd get breast cancer. I was very skeptical about this but still felt the need to warn my friends when I learned they slept with theirs on.

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My dad used to tell me that if I got the chills down my spine, then someone was walking on my grave.

Stacey J
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I think I was about five or six, but I developed this fascination with burping, sneezing, hiccupping, etc., and came up with the idea that if you did several such things at the same time, you would instantly die. I was sure that my dad knew the answer, but I couldn't just ask him straight out. I would say, "What would happen if you cough, sneeze, fart, burp, and hiccup at the same time?" I would be dissappointed when his answer didn't involve death. So I would re-phrase the question, (e.g. sneeze, hiccup, burp, cough, and fart), to try to ascertain the correct order. I was sure some combination would be lethal.

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My Mom and I used to drive up to another town in California to visit some friends of hers quite often. On the way, we would always pass the same Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant. In the window was propped a life-size mannequin of Colonel Sanders, the company's mascot. The first time we drove past it, my mother, thinking herself to be hilarious, told me that the mannequin was actually the REAL Colonel Sander's mummified body, preserved, stuffed, and put up for display. I believed this for many years afterward, always staring with amazement as we drove by, wondering why the body had not decayed yet, and squeezing my eyes shut when the glare of the dead Colonel got to be too much for me to handle. Thanks, Mom.

Ivy Feather
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when i was a kid i wondered what happened to all the people who died in action movies. i finally convinced myself that they simply hired someone who was willing to die to play the villain then kill them.

johnny m
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When I was preschool age, I thought that the firing squads and death squads mentioned on TV involved running over people with emergency vehicles.

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When I was 7 years old my older brother said that I had a decise that when I turned 8 I would all of a sudden drop on the floor, shake and then die! The worsed thing was my birthday was in 4 days!!!!! The day before my birthday my brother came in to my room were I was saying good-bye to all my stuffed animals. Then he said" you should hurry up and write your will." asked him what a will was and he said that it was a letter that said what things you want to leave with the person who told you that you were going to die and what things you want to be baried with you. Then he went "WOW! I just noticed something!" "What?" I said "I'm the one who told you that you were going to die so I get all your stuff!!!" That night when my mom said that it was time for bed. I asked if I really had to go to bed sence it was my last day to live. She asked me what I was talking about and I told her the whole story. Then my mom and I played the same trick on him except he was going to die in 2 hours! Then I said that he better get writing his will and making his confesions. Then he finally blurted out "YOU AREN'T REALLY GOING TO DIE I JUST WANT YOUR GAME BOY!!!!!" (back then game boy's just came out.) Then we said he really wasn't going to die either!!!

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When I was 5 or 6, I believed that my sisters and I would die in the order that we were born. When I would get into an argument with my older sister, I would tell her "You are going to die 3 years before me" to "tick" her off. I, also, had a younger sister. So when I got into an argument with her, I realized I was screwed because I was going to die 2 years before her. At the time, it sounded "logical" to me.

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My Great Aunt Louise died when I was about four years old, and it was my first funeral.
A few hours before the wake, my older siblings began explaining to me that a wake was a pagen ritual (we are Catholic, as was my Aunt) in which we would cut off the head of a chicken, drink the blood, dance around a fire in the nude, and "WAKE" the person from the dead.

Needless to say, I stuck close to my mother that entire night.

Wake what now?
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