i used to believe

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top belief!

In my neighborhood we have notelephone poles, or wires or anything running along the outsides of the houses. All the wires are run underground. Out by my driveway in the ground there is a thing for the electrical companies to get to the wires if they need to. I used to think that this was my Grandpa Tony's grave. I used to pray by it, & place dandelions that i had picked from my yard on top.

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I used to believe that souls were actually kites. & when people died, the kites would fly themselves up to heaven.

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When I was 4 i belived that people just dropped dead for no reason what so ever. I would imagine my self walking down to the pool and just falling over. I have no idea where that came from.

drop dead
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I used to believe that when you die you come back to life in the form of a bird or some other animal. One day when I was about 8 I was throwing rocks as I liked to test my aim, and I inadvertently injured a bird on a wire. For years I thought I re-killed someone and I prayed they wouldn't come after me.
Pretty silly now considering you only die once and all dead people are still in the grave.

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When I was 3 or 4 years old, I used to believe the moon was my dead grand-mother and if I was not nice she would come punish me.

Kéké 401
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For the longest time I used to believe (kinda still do) that when people died in their sleep, they had that falling-from-the-sky dream and didn't wake up before they hit the ground.

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I used to belief that I was gifted just like some one with special powers.I used to think that i would not die and fall sick.Even if I do when I was young I would pretend that I was all right.Right now in my 20's I found out I was going to die.I do hope i would still live my chilhood beliefs and hope for survival.

Ben Loh
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My mother's father died when she was 13. Before I reached that age I was afraid of turning 13, thinking I would lose my Dad, too.

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top belief!

When I was three or four years old, I must have been anxious about the concept of burial, because I remember being told that only the body gets put in the ground, while the soul goes to Heaven.

I guess I didn't know what a 'soul' was, but I knew that my 'body' was all the parts of me other than my head; therefore, souls must be heads. I had this mental picture of headless bodies underground in coffins, and Heaven as a beautiful garden full of happy disembodied heads.

Several of my elderly relatives died when I was around that age, and I probably gave up on that idea when I went to an open-casket funeral and saw that the body in the coffin did still have a head.

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I used to think that if you smell cotton, it would block your nose and you would die ... even at the age of 11

Prodip Mitra
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I used to think that if you entered a grave yard, that is when you died. I found it to be perfectly logical! But my parents quickly corrected (of course, now I have a rather unnatural obsession with cemetaries).

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top belief!

I believed that dead people could observe anything living people were doing. Whan my grandfather died I stopped masterbating for months and if I woke up with my hand down my pants I would pray to my grandfather to forgive me.

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i thought RIP meant Ri I Parken (norwegian)
Means in english= Ride In the Park!
And then I thought all the people riding on a horse in the park was dead... scary...

johny too-good
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When I was about 7, I started to believe that if I went to sleep on my back with my hands folded over my stomach (like the traditional body in a coffin pose) that God would think I was dead and snatch me away to Heaven. I never slept on my back again just in case I put my hands like that. I got into such a habit that I still can never sleep on my back.

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When I was a littl'un and would get Deja Vu, I'd always think someone was going to stab me in the back a couple of seconds later.

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I passed the Coroner's Court in Sheffield frequently, and regarded it with trepidation, since I thought that at an inquest the body of the deceased was in court, and that if I looked through the windows I might see a rotting corpse. I'm told that in the distant past this was actually so!

Ray Ward
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All throughout my childhood, I believed that if I didn't hold my breath and put my feet up on the seat in front of me while going by a cemetery (in a car or bus, of course) and then count five red cars afterwards, in which only then I could breathe again, I'd have nightmares. And since I was a little kid, nightmares were a pretty scary thing.

Sometimes I still hold my breath while going by a cemetery. I haven't had a nightmare in quite a few years. :-)

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When i used to go to my grandads place he used to tell me that if i wasn't a good boy the coockie monster from sesame street would come and kill me with a poisinus booga during the night

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For reasons that escape me and in spite of the evidence all about me, I was convinced for many a year that people died on their birthdays.

Oddly, I never feared my own. Probably because I thought only old people died.

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top belief!

For some really odd reason, I thought when we died we became mermaids (i dunno why) And then are parents and family and best friends would become them too. I also thought that our pets became catfish, dogfish, and parrotfish. Then after awhile of thinking that i remembered i couldn't swim well and so i thought i would drown if i became a mermaid.. (uh i know, mermaids can swim, i was a realllllllly stupid child) so i was crying and i thought i would die and then die again and then my mom told me the truth and weirdly i felt better that i wouldn't become a mermaid.

Taylor- the mermaid
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