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If you swallow chewing gum you will die

This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: If you swallow chewing gum you will die. Show most recent or highest rated first or go back to chewing gum.

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When I was very young, my Dad told me that my lungs were two sacks (I imagined hessian sacks in a dusty old room) and my digestive system was a series of cogs and wheels. I swallowed chewing gum once and Dad said if I do that it gets tangled in my cogs and they stop turning. This of course scared the living daylights out of me, thinking I could die through swallowing gum! I can still picture the sacks and the cogs. And I never swallowed gum again!

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i believed that if u swallowed chewing gum you would die beacuase it would wrap around the heart

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My cousin's mom (my aunt) used to tell her that if she swallowed gum, she would die. My aunt (about 50 years old) actually DOES believes this.

Freaky, I know.

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I was told by my sister, and I used to believe, that if I swollowed chewing gum i'd die.
Like.. if I swallowed it more than 2 or 3 times.

Nick M
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When I was very young my mother told me that if I swallowed a piece of gum it would stick to my heart and make it stop beating. Needless to say, to this day my gum always ends up in the trash.

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Someone I knew used to believe that if you swallowed gum it would make a bubble and block food from going into your stomach, thus killing you. Much to my relief, I had discovered eventually that for swallowing gum to be bad for you, you would have to swallow about 7 pieces a day for about a month. I was a weird kid.

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I used to believe that if you swollowed you gum, that it would stick to your heart and then you'll die.

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My Dad told me I'd choke to death if I swallowed bubble gum. Even today I panic for a second if I swallow some gum. Thanks Dad.

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When I was little my older sister told me if you swallowed chewing gum it would wind itself around your heart and stop it beating.

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When I was young my parents told me that i would die if i swallowed chewing gum. Then one day I accidentally swallowed some and I was convinced I was going to die. For hours I sat on my bed feeling sad and sccared and I didnt have the courage to tell them. I was amazed when I didnt die and then the penny dropped!

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top belief!

My dad didn't like me chewing gum when I was little because I'd always swallow it. He told me that its against the law to swallow gum until you're 16 because you'd die. And being the smart child I was, I educated everyone I saw chewing gum about the matter.

Juicy-fruit Justice
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I used to think that when u swallowed gum it would get stuck to ur heart n u wud have a heart attack. i kno thats not tru now but i still dun like to swallow gum

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when i was younger my mum told me that if i swallowed chewing gum it wud wrap around my heart and kill me, one day at school i accidently swallowed some and i had 4 of my friends tipping me upside down and shaking me to try get it out!!!

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wen i was 7-8 i used 2 belive that u must NEVER swallow bubble gum bcoz it would get stuk in ur throat and i would choke and die
i still believe it 2 this day

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my grandma once told me that if i swallowed my chewing gum it would rap around my heart and kill me. and wehn i was about 11 my teacher caught me chewing gum and told me to swallow it, i started crying and my friends have nenver stopped going on about it! :-)

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I used to believe that if you swallowed bubble gum you would die immediately.

Claire Moo
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As a child I was told that if I swallowed chewing gum it would stick to my ribs and I wouldn´t be able to breath and die. I guess that's why there is so much chewing gum stuck under school desks!

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I used to believe that is you ate chewing gum you'd die so I never went near it. I screamed and cried when my big sister ate it as I thought she'd die! To this day I can say I have NEVER chewed gum.

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top belief!

I used to believe that chewing gum was lethal. When I was a kid, my mom always used to tell my older sister not to give me chewing gum because I might swallow it and die (choke on it). So when anyone did give me chewing gum on the sly, I was always paranoid about swallowing my spit as I thought that the gum created some sort of poisonous juices in my mouth that would kill me.

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My primary school headmaster told me that if I swallowed chewing gum, it would stick over the flap on my lungs and I would die because I couldn't breath. I didn't eat chewing gum for years after that.

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