i used to believe

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I used to think that Tabasco Sauce contained tobacco, and therefore was actually "tobacco sauce."

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I used to think stollen cake was stolen cake and got scared when my parents bought it at Christmas time because I thought they'd be arrested for shoplifting, and that certainly wouldn't make a nice family Christmas at home.

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I thought that anything that wasn't explicitly food was poisonous up until I was about nine, when my dad told me that only a few things are poisonous.

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I used to believe that people who were lactose intolerant could not consume ANY dairy products AT ALL.

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My best friend in the second grade told me that her grandpa had a heart attack because he ate too much mustard. For years I avoided mustard.

Mary K
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i used to think bread was poison

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I'd recently learned that opium was made from poppies. My mom and sister and I were invited over for lunch at a neighbor's house. She served sandwiches on poppy seed rolls. My eyes got really big, because I thought she was trying to turn us all into addicts, and was shocked that she'd do such a thing, and she wasn't even being sneaky about it. I carefully, unobtrusively scraped all the poppy seeds off my roll before eating it.

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My twins sister and I were eating a bag of Cheetos and I started reading that back of the bag out loud. It said something like "Warning. Eating Cheetos can be dangerous..." The bag then proceeded to name off all the warning signs, like the orange fingers. So without reading anymore, we panicked and washed our hands and mouth-- terrified we were going to die or something. I went back to the bag to read the rest of the warnings. Turns out the punchlines at the bottom. I'm not certain, but I'm pretty sure it said something like, "Cheetos are dangerously Delicious."

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When I was little my parents would bring home chinese food occasionally for dinner. My dad would offer us some soy sauce..........but he called it "bug juice", and for years I thought it was made of squished bugs. I never would touch it!!!

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When I was younger, my mother and I got some fish and chips. I then saw a sign on the wall that said there might be some bones in the fish. My mother told me that it was extremely unlikely and they have to put that up so they don't get sued, but ever since then I hardly ever ate fish and when I did, I cut it up in to tiny pieces and ate it a small amount at a time because I was so scared of choking on a bone. It's hard to enjoy a meal, though, when you can barely taste it because the pieces are so small.

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My Grandma told me that if I kept eating sugar crystals they turn into ants in my stomach.

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I used to believe that eating Coco Puffs with Chocolate milk would give me diabetes.

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When I was little, I thought boysenberries were called poisonberries, and you would die if you ate them. When I got old enough to read, I still thought the same thing, except that the people who farmed boysenberries were evil and were trying to kill off the human race. I didn't figure out that they weren't until I was 9 and my grandma gave me a boysenberry yogurt cup for breakfast.

Callie P.
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I used to believe that adults were purposely trying to kill me by regularly feeding me Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches. This belief stayed with me until I was an adult and learned I have multiple food allergies including Peanuts and several ingredients in Jelly.

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When I was little, I overheard my grandfather persuade my cousin to eat spinach by promising him it would put hair on his chest. Being a five year old girl, I was horrified by this notion. I refused to touch the stuff until I was nearly thirty.

Jamie Noel
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When I was about 7 my friend's older sister told us that the inside part of a carrot was poisonous and if we ate it, we would die. I didn't believe her, but she said it was okay to eat if you ate it VERY slowly. After that I would nibble the outside part of the carrot and eat the inside part separately, very slowly, just in case.

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My mum told me that black fruit pastilles or really any black jelly sweet were deadly to children and that I should give her them if I found them in my packet. It was many years before I found out that in fact they are her favourite so she told me that to get them all.

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When I was little, I used to have a weird habit of opening and closing the fridge all the time when I was bored, and my mom got mad at me for doing this. She told me that if you open the fridge way too many times, then the butter would get mad and turn into a monster and eat me.

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When I was about 4 or 5 my dad told me that the spice pepper was ground up flies and mosquitoes. I have not used pepper since then.

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I used to believe that bed pans were called bread pans, and that nurses cooked the fried bread for breakfast in them. My mother asked the nurses if I was eating well and they told her that I ate everything except fried bread. She thought that was strange because I normally loved it, so she asked my why I wouldn't eat it. I told her I thought it was disgusting that they fried the bread in bread pans. She asked me what a bread pan was and I said - "you know, the thing you go to the toilet in". I expected her to be disgusted too and couldn't understand why she thought it was hilarious.

Sue Moseley
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