i used to believe

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I stopped eating bananas for several years because I thought the little black things that were in the middle of the banana when you bit it were a spider's legs sticking up and that there were spiders in every banana.

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I apparently loved crab and shrimp when I was little (probably around age three and earlier, seeing as I don't remember it) but I then started having nightmares about lobsters and shrimp. I thought that I ate them, they'd come back to life and attack me. I didn't start eating shrimp again until I was nine. This made eating at Red Lobster much more difficult for my family, especially when they wanted to get the jumbo shrimp cocktail.

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I used to think that gummy bears were evil and wanted to take over the world. I'm afraid of them to this day.

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When I was little I used to think jellybeans would make you shrink...

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When I was in elementary school, all the kids at my lunch table would say that if you mixed cherries and milk together, that it was poison... the kind that killed you instantly. We used to mix the cherries in milk and dare each other to eat/ drink it... no one ever did that I can remember.

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Everytime I had a stomach I ache I thought I was dieing of rat poisoning. My dad had stored a candy baron top of our fridge. It had been there a week and so my little candy-staved brain assumed he forgot about it. I ate it. A week later my dad appeared to be in a panic and said that someone had eaten the candy bar he had posioned for the rats to eat. He was hoping to "out" the thief, but I was to afraid to tell him I ate it. I was convinced for years that I was going to die from eating that candy bar.

And I never stole candy again.

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We used to go to this Italian Deli on road trips when I was a kid, if we were passing through Dallas. They had the most awesome looking desserts, but my parents would never let us have any because they said it was so high in cholesterol and so unhealthy it was illegal for children to eat!!! I believed that for years!

Is Gullible in the dictionary?
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My siblings told me that if I ate too much cheese, I'd turn into a cow. I believed them.

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i used to bellive that if you ate the ice cream "death-by-chocolate,that the next time you would eat chocolate it would kill you.

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My mom used to tell me that ice cream caused polio.

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When I was around 6, there was a rumour going around school that Quavers and Nerds contained glass. I thought that if eaten, they would travel down your arms and legs and they would cut open and you would bleed to death!

Amanda M
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At kindergarten i was given tea to drink, which i hated. so i refused. Then my teacher said very sadly and quietly "you're killing me". i was so scared realizing that my tea was poisoned and now she had to drink it and die instead of me

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When I younger one of my favourite things to eat was cucumber in salt and vinegar even though my mum told me that if I drank the vinegar it would dry up my blood. So I used to secretly sip it. Even now at 33 years old I still do it!

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When i was young i used to eat lots of Junk foods.
One time i got so hungry that i asked my cousin to buy me some cheese flavored chips. We ate the chips and my cousin told me that if i wont finish my chips for a minute, rats will go and eat it and worse, me! I was so scared that i hurriedly finished my Chips and Gave him most of it.

It was when im like 9 or 10 when i realized he told me that story just to have some of my chips.

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When eating a boiled egg with its shell still on, after I had finished eating the egg, my mum always told me to make a hole in the bottom of the shell so that the witches wouldn't be able to use them as small boats and break into peoples houses and steal things!!!
How bizzare is that!?!

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My grandma always told me that vinegar would dry my blood - I loved vinegar but also used it sparingly worried that I might just end up with powder in my veins.

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My mother told me if I ate chocolate before breakfast I would get worms. I believed this until I was about 10.

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I once was eating lunch at school, and a friend offered me a "cracker". She asked me how it was, and I, not wanting to be rude, just nodded in agreement. Much to my surprise, she told me, after it had alrwady gone down, that I had just eaten cat food! I thought I would die or get some weird disease or turn into a cat *meow*! Anyway, i never considered that cats eat the stuff all their life and dont die!

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My sister told me when i was four that kiwis were poisenous and if you only ever eat the middle of a cucumber you wouldnt die of kiwi. i believed it until i was about 15. funneh eh?

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Up until this past year, I thought the crispy shell on shrimp and shrimp tails were poisonous.

My dad told me at a young age not to eat them because "they were not good for you". Of course, in my little head, that meant they were deadly poison.

Jessica Tinch
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