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I loved to eat paper in about 2nd or 3rd grade. Then a kid told me the acid in the paper would destroy my heart. I believed him and spent many nights crying and praying for God to fix my heart. I worried for many years because I had eaten a lot of paper

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One day on tv I saw a banana slug, after that I thought bananas were slugs, and I wouldn't eat then till years later. now I love them.

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My mom had 4 kids, all relatively close in ages. She had her hands full, to say the least! My sister Pamela used to “sneak” slices of mozzarella cheese whenever my mom made her famous chicken parmesan. Four kids = eight arms! After one meal where half the chicken was cheese-less, my mom decided to use a ruse to keep my sister’s fingers off the table. She told her that mozzarella cheese was poisonous until cooked. My sister, being sneaky, didn’t want to admit she’d already eaten two slices and became very frightened! She stopped eating the cheese! The plan worked, and mom was free to cook and watch the two younger kids without having to haunt over my sister’s shoulder. But my sister never forgot… and everyone else did! The white lie was caught when my sister started telling her high school friends that they couldn’t eat Polly-O string cheese because it was poisonous ‘raw’. When Pam came home to tell Mom the embarrassing tale, everyone roared with laughter. We had all forgotten that day in the kitchen, except for my sister! She carried that fear of mozzarella cheese with her for well over ten years.

Sister of Famouse Cheese-Fearing-Girl
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When I was little, I remember watching a health cartoon about a little boy who got acne when he ate chocolate- I thought the acne was permanent freckles and I REFUSED to eat chocolate for years.

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when i was 8 my friends told me that if you ate 'pop rocks' and drank 'cola' at the same time your stomach would explode .I still wonder every now and then.

Erin S.
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When I was about six years old, I saw an advertisment on TV for those cream-filled chocolate eggs. There was a rabbit on-sreen bawking like a chicken, and a real-live chicken making no noise. I was scared to eat one because I knew rabbits did not make that sound. I was convinced that if I ate one of the candy eggs, that I would start to make that chicken sound uncontrollably, and never be able to comunicate with my friends again in words. For years when Easter rolled around, I would give all my eggs to my cousin. Why his English wasn't translated to bawking I never knew.

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When my sister and I were younger, she used to love to eat slices of bread. One day, she had a very bad tummy ache and I told her that it was a giant breadball in her gut that was about to explode. Needless to say I got the ol' backhand.

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When I was about 5 yrs old, a friend told me to never eat the ends of a banana because that is where the tarantula layed its eggs. Horrified, that no one else knew about this but us, I would diligently cut the ends off before consuming. Now, 27 years later after I learned it wasn't true, I'm still cutting off the ends out of habit. Hey, you never know.

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When I was young, my grandfather had me beleiveing the Center hole in the suger cookies he gave me was poisenous. So I always ate AROUND the hole and ended up with the tinest bit of cookie ring left over

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I used to beleave the foam on a glass of orange juice was poison. If you waited for the foam to go away then it was safe to drink.

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I didn't like to drink milk. Once I was eating a banana, and then went to get some water, when my mother stopped me, saying eating water after a banana would make me die. I had to have milk if I was thirsty.

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i used to believe that if i ate vegetables i would turn into Barney. Therefore, i only ate bacon and ended up in the hospital with scurvy. now i love barney and especially baby bop. i have a blanket just like hers and i eat vegetables all day long.

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i used to believe that if i ate a chocolate moose and went to bed that at 12 o clock i would turn into a hippo. my sister told me that that would happen. i later found out it she was lying.

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Before I went to school, my mum would tell me that spiders laid their eggs at the very end of the banana, and they were poisonous. Being so old, though, she was immune to the poison, so I should always give her the last bite of my banana!

Daisy K
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Don't ask, but I used to think that we would eat "snake" for dinner. Even after I learned that steak and snake were two different words, I still had to wonder which kind of meat I was eating this time.

Robert N.
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my folks used to tell me that "piggle sniggle" would come and get me if I didnt eat my veggies. I never ate my peas, I really wanted to see this guy/alien

mike c
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when I was about 5 everytime I ate jelly my mom and brother would tell me it would come out of my ears and my nose. lol. so messed up. was terriefied, didnt eat it till i was about 10.

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My mother told me that drinking mile straight out of the carton (this was in the days before plastic milk jugs) would cause my stomach to swell up and explode. For years I would only drink milk from a glass. Consequently I always threw my school lunch milk away because there were no glasses and it came in cartons. I can't believe I never wondered why all my friends were OK after drinking the school milk...

Chip Taylor
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My sister convinced me that the juice that collects in the bottom of the ice pop plastic was poisonous to children under 10. I ALWAYS handed it over to her. Of course, then I did the same to my brother.

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When I was a kid, I was very afraid of chicken pot pies, and wondered why anyone would ever eat any such thing. It was probably because I wasn't yet clearly hearing a distinction between "chicken pot" and "chicken pox". So I must have been thinking of them as "chicken pox pies".

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