i used to believe

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me and my brother were playing in the garage once ( i dont remember why) and my dad always put kitty litter on the driveway to cover oil spills, and my brother told me that the used kitty litter was a really cool new type of popcorn, and he pretended to eat it. so i ate at least six handfuls and had to go and get my stomach pumped.

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My Granddad told me his favorite jam was boysenberry. I thought he was saying poisonberry, and I was afraid to taste it.

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i don't know if this is true, but someone i used to know said that everytime you eat a crisp, somewhere a new star is born and a planet blows up and its people die!!! this friend also said that spaghetti grows on trees and that there is no such thing as spinach (it was just a myth told to make kids be quiet), so i am not sure if i believe this or not but all the same, i never eat crisps!!!!!

the campaign to ban crisps
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When I was very little I distinctly recall Mom telling me to watch out for fish bones when eating fish, becuase if you accidently ate one, it would travel through your bloodstream and pierce your heart and then you'd die. I confronted the family with this a few years ago, and they denied it, of course.

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When i was little my mom used to take me to dennys to get pancakes. I always used to wonder what happened to all the syrup i poured on my pancakes because it seemed to dissapear. Well my grandma came to eat with us one day and i asked her what happened to my syrup and she told me that pancakes were really sponges that suck everything up and when i ate them eventually they would suck everything in my tummy up and make me fatten up untill i blew up!!!! Lets just say i quit eating pancakes for a while!

Linzey P
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This is actually my dad's childhood belief.

Every day, after dinner, HIS dad would go and get some hardtack, which is an unleavened bread-thing that was believed to help digestion. No-one understood why Alan (aka, my Dad) would FREAK OUT and beg his father not to eat the stuff.

It was because, almost every night on the radio, he would hear about someone dying of a heart attack, but he heard it as "dead, at age 66. Cause of death is reported as hardtack."

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A bunch of friends and I loved eating the wild onions that grow in the yard , We'd collect buckets full and wash them , My mom didn't think this was healthy so she told us that they make rat poison out of wild onions , we stopped eating them in large quantities .

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An older neighborhood kid told me that if I ate a styrofoam packing peanut, my head would crack in half. For the longest time I was afraid of accidentally ingesting one of them.

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When I was a kid I'd read the backs of boxes for the USDA servign sizes and nutrients. I thought it was like medicine, so if the serving size was four cookies, and I'd have five, I'd worry I'd poisoned myself.

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I used to believe (entirely of my own accord) that if you ate water chestnuts and then drank water, a giant white rooted plant would grow in your stomach. I still can't stand those things.

water chestnut hater
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When I was a little fella, my best mate and I used to play that game "Lemmings" on the sega. And for those of you that havn't played that game, the Lemmings use things like picks and bombs and such things. So my friend realised that we didn't know what the white bits (coconut) was on a Lamington. We thought they were Lemmings and became afraid to eat them cause we thought that the Lemmings would dig out our insides.

Lamingtons and Lemmings
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In an effort to keep me out of the vicinity when she was scaling fish, my mother told me that if a fishscale landed on my skin, more would grow until my entire body was covered in scales.

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When I was young someone told me the the top part of the banana and the bottom part are poisonous and that you should never eat it or you will die. I always kinda believed this and always but the top and never ate the bottom. Im still a little skeptical about eatting the whole thing

Scared Banana Eatter
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my older brother told me if i ate fat off a steak it would stop my heart and i would die i was 5 at this time i still dont eat fat becasue it tastes terrible

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When I was little I used to believe that the brown potato chips, you know the burnt ones, were worm infested.

Eric Rustman
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when i was small i used 2 belive that broccoli was poison

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a kid i went to daycare with told me that all mushrooms were poisoness, and i knew that my parents loved muchrooms so i immediately called my mother crying and told her to stop eating mushrooms!

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My parents convinced me that if I mixed coke and pepsi together and drank it, I would die. I believed that until I was 11 when I saw my mom mixing them together. I was like "NOOO DONT DO THAT" and she just laughed.

Crazy A
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I thought that the reason I shouldn't take candy from strangers was that it was poisonous. My sister-in-law thought it was because it had drugs in it. We were both in our 30's when we compared notes.

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I used to think the mushrooms the Mario Brothers eat made you grow big if you ate one. I used to look for them. Then I looked in a book and noticed that it was real, and poisonous.

(delete the previous post about this, I made a mistake. Afterwards please delete this area in parenthesis)

James the Great
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