i used to believe

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when i was little i hated to eat animal cookies or anything i considered "cute". my brother then told me that when i ate them they would have a party in my stomach.

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I used to believe that some people were vegetarians because they were allergic to meat.

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When i was about 6, my brother told me that if i kept eating the bag of Cheetos, my kidney would explode. So i gave him the bag..which is exactly what he wanted me to do! I went on believing this until i was 12.

Cheyenne Soleil
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I used to think that Fruit Gushers would actually turn your head into a fruit, so I was morbidly afraid to eat them.

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When my brother and I were very young my mom would make homemade speghetti sauce and can it for future use. Every jar had a bay leaf in it and she told us that if we got it on our plate we had to lick it off and make a wish. When I told my 19 year old friend to lick it off and make a wish there was a HUGE uproar of laughter at the table. Joke was on me...guess she didn't want us to choke.

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I used to believe that serial killers were people that went around killing cereal. now whenever I hear that phrase, I think of a big, burly guy pointing a gun at a pile of cereal.

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When I was about seven (i'm now 84), the grandfather of one of my friends not to eat the ends of bananas because that's where deadly spiders lived, waiting to bite you. Of coutse, I found out much later, he was confused with tarantulas that sometimes are found when bananas bunches are first harvested and are fumigated before the bananas reach the market. Een knoing the truth, to this day, I still cut off both tips.

Theodore Lustig
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I used to believe that serial killers where people that killed u while eating breakfast

nick gunderson
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My aunt was boiling eggs for her son (I was 6 and he was 5). They looked white & cute and I wanted to try them too. I tried and hated the taste and refused to have any more. When mom returned from work, I told her excitedly that I tasted egg that day. She, being a pure veggie herself, got terrified and told me that if I ate eggs I would poop chickens the next day! I was horrified to poop the next day and finally I had her stand next to me and keep the toilet's door open (so that I can run as soon as they are out).

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I used to think that every country had their own cheese and it was named after the country like the way we have American cheese (there would also be English cheese, Canadian cheese, German cheese, Chinese cheese and so forth) and that we could only eat the kind from the country that we are from. I thought it was illegal for us to have Swiss cheese in our market because we didn't have any of the other kinds of cheeses.

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My mother told me that I should not take food from strangers because it might be poisoned. She then had to clarify that I could eat food at my friends' parents houses, because their food would not be poisoned. So I came to the conclusion that parents of young children had some sort of special ability to know if food was poisonous and wondered why anyone ever ate anything with poison because they should just ask a parent of a small child to check.

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I used to believe that if you ate the holes in swiss cheese, you would get sick. I actually ate around the holes!

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When I was little, my brother told me that cauliflower was actually a kind of coral. Apparently if it wasn't heated up a lot it was still alive and would cut up and poison the inside of my mouth when I went to eat it. That night we had some salad with cauliflower in it and I ended up running out the door and hiding for hours in fear. For about a year after I wouldn't even touch cauliflower until one day I explained to my mom why and she corrected my belief.

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I Used To Believe That Bananas Turn People Into Monkeys. My Brother Told Me This. He Told Me That The Little Monkeys Were Kids That Ate Bananas. So I Don't Eat Bananas.

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My brother and sister convinced me that my grandma died from eating too many bananas, I didn't eat any bananas for years.

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I used to believe mushrooms growing outside were all poisonous. Only the store-bought ones were safe to eat.

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I used to love eating peanut butter and honey sandwiches as a kid, so one day my mom told me that I couldn't eat too many of them, because all the sticky foods would block up my insides. I only recently started eating peanut butter and honey sandwiches again... I'm almost 30 years old.

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When I was little I was certain the age old Urban Myth that eating pop rocks and drinking soda would kill you was true.I thought it would make your head explode.

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i believed that carrots with milk was a deadly poison until i was 11.

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I used to believe that the giant bulk sized cereal boxes were to big to just be cereal, and for that I was deathly afraid of them

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