i used to believe

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top belief!

I used to believe that when my mom made pasta, she messed it up every time and had to dump it down the sink and start over, I was always amazed at how fast the second batch took, since we always ate right after she dumped it... I didn't see the colander until I was old enough to see into the sink.

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When I was little my dad told me that grasshopper cookies were really made of grasshoppers so I would NEVER touch his cookies.

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When I was little, my older sister was telling me how meat came from different animals. She told me that hamburger (what I was eating at the time) came from cows, and bacon (which I had for breakfast) came from pigs. She then told me how they get the meat out of the animal, the animal poops it out. I sure got some weird looks at lunch my first day at school. Thanks, sis. Thanks :p

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When I was little my grandmother gave me slices of swiss cheese and ask me to save her the holes. I carefully ate around each hole leaving a rim and handed her back a plate of holes as she had requested.

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I used to believe that when you baked "from scratch" it meant you put the baking pan on the kitchen table and then took a fork and 'scratched' the bottom of the pan and the ingredients would emerge FROM the bottom of the pan, and then you would take a spoon and start mixing them around.

I know where that idea came from. I went to Catholic school and as a first grader my entire class went to see the film "The Ten Commandments" and in one scene Charlton Heston (Moses) took a big stick, scratched a rock and water came pouring forth. That had a bit impression on me.

Next time you see that movie I'll bet you think about how that looked to at least one six-year-old.

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(Not my story) As a child, my mother told me the last bite of food on my plate was the "special bite." This was a clever trick (which worked) and got me to finish my food almost everytime!

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As a kid I used to think the free "continental breakfast" offered at hotels was supposed to be a really big fancy breakfast, because "Continental" was the name of a big fancy car at the time.

Brandon Campbell
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I used to believe that when you pulled up to the box at the fast food window (where the food choices are listed) that inside the box sat a little person taht took everyones order.

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I used to believe that the reason carrot cake was called carrot cake was because there where carrots that where frosted on the cake. when I found out that there was actually carrots in it, I refused to eat it for a while.

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Up until about 4 years ago, I thought that hens only gave UNfertilized eggs to the farmers and kept the other ones to be hatched into little chicks. Therefore, when I was eating the eggs from the grocery store, I was not technically eating a potential "baby chicken". I felt pretty stupid when I was arguing with a friend about it one day....then it hit me--my dad is a big fat liar.

P.S. I am 30 years old.

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I don't competely remember how the conversation went but at the dinner table with my husband's family we were talking about pickles. I must have said that I didn't know where pickles came from. I had seriously never thought about it before. They looked at me in wonder and I said something along the lines of, "don't they grow on trees?" Oh the laughter. I was about 22 at the time. I still get teased today.

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Because my brothers tormented me, I thought that blueberries had worms. They would squeeze the blueberries just right and they would ooze and kinda look like worms were coming out. I refused to eat them and hate them to this day!

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I used to eat spinach just like Popeye. I would turn my head to the left so it would go down into my left arm and then to the right. I imagined it going into my arms and making me strong just like him.

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top belief!

I used to believe that all ice cream started out as vanilla...and then flavors were added in to make it chocolate or strawberry, etc. I thought the vanilla had no flavor at all. I could never understand why some people would actually ask for vanilla ice cream!

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I used to believe that ketchup was used to make fries colder so they would be easier to eat.

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I use to believe that salt would cool food down while pepper would heat your food

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I used to believe that spaghetti grew on trees, based on a pasta commercial from the 70s.

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When you ordered small fries they were just shorter

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top belief!

I once believed that during Dinosaur Week at daycare, the old ladies fed us actual dinosaur meat in their dinosaur soup; it was actually beef stew.

Claudia S.
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When I was young, but old enough to make my own lunch, I thought that if I wanted something warm at lunchtime, all I had to do was heat it up in the morning; If I closed the container fast enough, it would still be warm at lunchtime. Unfortunately, it didn't take long for me to figure that wasn't quite how it worked.

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