i used to believe

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I used to believe that the green stuff in fried oysters was spinach, which relates to another Popeye-related belief.

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When I was very young, to get me to eat veal, my Mother told me it was chicken without the bone. Of course I believed Her until, at age 21 at my engagement party, I embarrassed myself by letting this gem loose upon a whole room of future relatives.

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I used to believe (and still do) hot dogs are made out of the rubber from old tennis shoes and band aids (it gives hot dogs that pinky, flesh color).

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i had a classmate in college who believed that organic meat meant that they whited for the the animals to die of nachel carers

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I used to believe that when you were hungry, if you took too long to get something to eat, your stomach would start to digest itself. Because of this belief, it used to scare me when my stomach would start to growl, since I thought it was only a matter of time before my stomach started to "eat" itself.

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My dad always used to tell me that if you ate crusts off bread then you would grow hairs on your chest!

Kiri Bedward
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Because "scone" sounds so much like "cone," I always imagined it as a cone, with ice cream in it, served sideways on a plate. Blueberry scones were blueberry ice creams turned on their sides, raspberry scones were raspberry ice cream. I figured I'd rather eat my ice cream upright so I stayed away from scones and didn't find out what they really were until I was 19.

thank you starbucks!
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I used to believ that meatloaf came from buffalo. Something in my mind connected the dots to american bison when I heard that we were having meatloaf for dinner as a child.

Aaron M, Smith
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i thought the chunks in blue cheese dressing were bunny turds because we had a rabbit and my mom told me so

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When I was about 5 I used to take the cheese off of my pizza and put it in a pile to eat later - only when we ate at pizza hut. After a while, my older sister convinced me that if I ever ate pizza cheese on its own I would get hit by a bus next time I left the house and die.. From then on I have never eaten the cheese on its own!

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That blue cheese was made by scraping mould off bathroom walls. My mother actually told me that.

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I used to believe that a salad bar was just like a three musketeers bar but green and when you bit into it it would have carrots and lettuce and veggies in it. I believed this till i was like 10 and i'm now 14. I'm a dork.

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When i was young, i used to believe that is kiwi fruits, black stones were dead buterflies

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When i was young, i used to believe that when i ate a stone, a tree would grow in my stomach

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I used to think Spinaches made you strong.

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Ravioli Sunday

This is a holiday we had growing up that was such an intrinsic part of our family that none of us really even questioned it's validity. It was just Ravioli Sunday and honestly it didn't dawned on us until our mid teens that this may just be a family affair.

My grandmother on my mom's side would make 100 raviolis in one day. The entire family would come by that afternoon for "Ravioli Sunday".

Yea I know, we are a little slow...

Mauldin & Naperkoski/Sinisi Families
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I fully believed, up until about 6 years old, that the word 'accident' was a noun that meant 'burnt toast'.

Karl Goetz
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My brother used to believe there was special money to be used at each fast food place, especially McDonald's. This belief stemmed from my mother's favorite response when we'd ask to go to Mickey D's: "I don't HAVE any McDonald's money right now!"

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I thought that "peameal bacon" was actually "female bacon" and that "Hollandaise sauce" was "Holiday sauce" 'cause you only have it on holidays.

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When I was about 6 or so I told my dad that I didn't want to eat spare ribs anymore cause I didn't want to hurt pigs. My dad replied, "Don't worry, they are only his spare ribs, he's got another set." I believed this for longer than I care to admit...

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