i used to believe

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Duck Sauce from Chinese restaurants... for many years as a child I had belief and refused to eat it, based on the fact that my father told me it was duck..poo.

Jay T.
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For about 3 years, I thought that chili and salsa were the same thing.

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I thought that onion rings were made of jellyfish probably becasue the restuarant had jellyfhish in a tank and i ate onion rings that day. lol thats why i refuse to eat onion rings today still

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I used to believe that my parents swallowed the toothpaste after they brushed their teeth because I never saw them spit it out. So one day I brushed my teeth and swallowed all the toothpaste in my mouth, and said "Mom! I swallowed the toothpaste like you and dad!" and she told me if I did it again she was going to have to call Poison Control. I never did it again.

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When i was little my brother told me the moon was made out of cheese.....and being the little moron i was, i believed it.

sydney creech
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top belief!

I used to believe that nobody in the world ate artichokes except for my family. I was practically raised on the things, we'd have them for dinner a lot but I never heard about or saw my friends eating them, so I concluded that my family had discovered artichokes and nobody else knew about them.

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I used to believe that it was every vegetables destiny to be eaten so I couldn't leave a carrot on my plate or it would be sad. I couldn't eat just one pea or one broccoli piece either because they would die alone so I would eat even numbers of veggies so everyone would have a friend to go down with.

The Great Herbivore
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i thoght my blood was made of kechup

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my older brother convinced me that the moon was made of cheese, and if i jumped high enough i could land on it, and the reason the moon could float in space was because it was super light, in fact, it was so light you could blow it towards the sun, melt all of the cheese, and make the BIGGEST bowl of nachos ever.

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when i was about 5 my sister told me that kiwis were elephant poop

kelli putnam
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My mom would get on our case if we left food stains around the house. She would say, "Clean that up or it will draw ants!". For the longest time, I kept thinking that the food stain would somehow form pictures of ants that would come alive.

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tha tif i didnt eat all of my food at dinner, my mom would ship me off to africa and make ME give the food to the starving there. the ni had to stya and see what it was like with no food. i now eat all of the food on my plate.

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I used to think when you see the strawberrys in the cereal like ricecrispys, They really Came in the box. I was so pissed off when I found out. I cried the whole day screaming " WHY! WHY DO THEY LIE! THOSE LOSERS!'' ahh... Good times

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My mother was trying to get me to go to bed one night ( I was 4 or 5), but I wanted to stay up and eat pineapples out of a can and watch tv. She told me that eating pineapples at night would cause me to have nightmares. I believed her and I stopped eating pineapple all together.

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I used to believe that penises where sausages and vaginas were donuts! one day in 2nd Grade I was at the cafeteria and the cook said were cooking sausages and having donuts for desert. I looked at him and then called him a canibal. My Mom eventually told me the truth and to this day, I am so embarrased.

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When I was 5, I used to believe the soil was an ice-cream that had not been put in the freezer.

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When I was little I used to think the foods I ate that were in the shape of animals,people, etc would reassmble themselves inside my stomach, and live there. I also thought they swam in oceans of orange juice...or something.

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To get me to eat my carrots my mom told me that if I ate them i would turn into a rabbit. I was about two and would ate every carrot put in front of me.

maria Hernandez
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When I was little, I thought ketchup came from ketchup trees

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I was told that broccoli and cauliflower were in fact huge trees that grew in a miniature forest. It worked I always ate my baby trees.

My sister was against eating animals, so our mother told her "these steaks grew on trees honey".

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