i used to believe

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When me and my sister were kids, we thought all food had to either be a vegetable or an animal. One day at dinner we had pizza, and got into an arguement over whether it was vegetable or animal.

I said it was a vegetable, and pictured things like watermelons growing on trees, and when you sliced them, that's where pizza came from. But my sister said pizza was an animal. I dont know how she could've thought that, but it's funny to imagine little pizzas on legs running around and people hunting them...

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when I was about 12 I convinced my 4 year old neighbor that Kix cereal was in fact dog food. This was helped by the fact that the box had clifford the big red dog on it and the fact that she couldn't read.

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When I was little my dad told me there were little squirrel like critters that ran through the woods. Whenever someone wanted some pepperoni they would go into the woods and catch these animals, and cut off their tails which were completely pepperoni. but not to worry, it didn't hurt them a bit and their tails grew back within a month.

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i thought all meat was chicken. If my mom was cooking some kind of meat for supper, ham, beef, anything, i'd ask "what kind of chicken is that?"

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I used to think a serial killer was golden grams...

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As a child I somehow became convinced that an artichoke was some sort of small furry animal, and I was, of course, completely disturbed by the jar of 'artichoke hearts' kept in our refrigerator. To this day, my family still teases me about my genuine concern for those 'poor little artichokes'.

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When I was little, I was watching a tv show and a rich girl was refusing to eat left-overs, and i dont know what it was she said that made me think this, but i always thought that left-overs was literally food you had already eaten & thrown up!!
Gross, i know.

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Up untill about a week ago i didnt know raisons were dried grapes. I personally thought that they grew on trees and every year i'd ask my mom if shed get me a raison tree. That was like 7 years ago though. (That i asked for a raison tree) No one ever told me...... but wouldnt it be cool if raisons actually grew on trees?

raison tree
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I used to believe that tarter sauce which you eat with fried fish gave you tarter on your teeth so I wouldn't eat it for years (now I really like it). I also thought that it was made with cream of tarter (a spice).

Tamra D
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When I was a kid I used to believe that clouds were made out of a magical cotton candy type substance (which changed flavors as the clouds changed colors at sunset), and I planned on buying a ladder to lean into the clouds which I would climb up and then I'd be able to stuff my face with the delicious cloud candy. I also believed that this ladder would only need to be about 2 or 3 times the height of my favorite big maple climbing tree, and that it wouldn't be scary to climb it.

Miss Lord
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When I was young I hated butter and insisted that all the bread/toast I ate was dry. I remember thinking that the toast was still quite "runny" and asked my dad if he'd put butter on it. He said no, it was only the "toast juice". I believed this for a very long time...

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I thought those Japanese guys who made food in front of you at restaurants were robots. There was no way any human being could flip knives around like that and make fire appear from their fingers. I think I might have asked one of them if they were once.

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My father told me that Spam was a mix of sparrow and ham. I believed this for years lol

Tara the Terror
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When I was little, i used to believe that "vanilla" was pronounced "funilla" and that you were only allowed to eat vanilla ice cream when you were having ALOT of fun or else they wouldn't let you order any, so whenever my parents took me out to get ice cream i always exaggerated my mood so i could order "funilla"...

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when i was little, we drove by this bank. it was called the union bank. well i misread it and i thought it said the onion bank. so i asked my mom and my older sister about it. they told me(they didnt think i would belive them) that it was where people went to put all theyre onions. so i thought that onions were like money and would hoard them and like hide them in my room(it started to smell weird). i also had strange dreams about people putting onions in safet deposit boxes. it took me a long time to realize how wrong i was.

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I used to believe that hazelnuts were real currency, with actual value to buy things.

Valerie, Ottawa Canada
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When my brother was young like 3-10 he would only eat Chicken,hamburger,bacon.If anyone said he was eatting meat he would scream and cry.He said never eats meat,only chicken,hamburgers.We still tease him now about it.LOL You also never said he was eatting a cow if we had hamburgers that night

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When I was little, I had asked my Aunt for a glass of water around midnight. She told me that she wouldn't get it, because if she opened the refrigerator door, the light from the fridge would go on, and wake up the food, because it was alive. For the longest time, I really thought that the food was alive, and would refuse to open the fridge at night. Little did I know, that she just didn't want to get up.

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People in my family often talk about going on sabbatical-- they plan ours, they talk about other people going on sabbatical, etc. When I was little it was very confusing to hear people say this big word, and I came to the conclusion that it was actually "spaghattical" and whenever someone said it I would picture Italian pasta.

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When I was around 4 - 5 years , I used to eat lots of cookies. My mom fed with my habit told me i will become really really fat if I continue to eat lot of cookies.

One day , I saw a pregnant women and i cried out loudly to her - "I know what u did to get so fat"

Surya S
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