i used to believe

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When I saw little my brother's told me Chinese noodles were made from bird spit. I believed that one for way too long

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I used to believe that Ham came from Hens, and that Hens were a completely different animal, not related to poultry.

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-I used to beleive that when you ate too muck ketchup, you would start bleeding from your nose.
-I was just 8 years old.....but now i eat all i want and i know ts not true : )

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When i was a little one i refused to believe that potatoe chips were made from potatoe's. Because if this were true then i was eating a vegetable that tasted good, and that is impossible to believe as a child. I had my parents and brother's telling me on a daily basis but I still didn't believe them until i was about 11 yrs, i'm still not entirerly convinced.

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When I was little I used to think that the "use by"/"best before" dates on food products were actually the date when the food was made! I thought that a lot of the food had been made in the future somehow...

Sarah W
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I once believed that if you touched hamburger meat, it would explode!

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I used to believe that if I got tomato sauce on my face, my blood would turn a different color. It definitely got me to eat spaghetti very carefully!

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When I was about 4 or 5, I used to think that if you ate angel-hair pasta, you would turn into an angel. I was terrified.

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I use to believe that green eggs and ham were real. After reading the book in 3rd grade we had a Green eggs and ham party thing, where they gave us green eggs and ham, which were of course, just eggs with food coloring on them. Well, being that I thought they were some sort of strange egg I refused to eat them, saying I didn't like them. The teacher assumed I just didn't like eggs.

Years later my little brother and my cousin and I were sitting in my living room talking. My little brother was telling us about his green eggs and ham party, and my cousin and him started talking about how they couldn't make them right because they were only suppost to have the yolk be green. Obviously, I was extremely confused. So I told them I asked them about it. They laughed at me for about 15 minutes.

So a few days later I told my friend about it, and apparently she thought they were real too. So, we asked her dad while he was taking me to my house. He told us that they were real, but only if they are extremely old eggs, and if we see them we better not eat them.

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i used to believe that if you went to an ice cream store and got your ice cream but didn't have enough money to pay for it, the person behind the counter would take it back from you and stick it back into the big container! to this day i still don't eat my ice cream until i pay.

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When I was little, I used to think that "burgerlers" were little cheeseburgers that came into your house through the cracks under the doors and steal all your stuff, which is why I told my mother that locking the doors wouldn't work, because there was still a little crack under the door.

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When I was younger, I thought that powdered doughnuts were called "Power" doughnuts and that if you ate enough, you would become a superhero.

Good thing I thought they tasted terrible.

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I was two when my parents got married, and my mother had always been a horrible cook. One day my new dad presented me with a plate of golden brown, fluffy pancakes and I absolutely refused to eat them. When he asked why I wouldn't even touch them, I said there must be something wrong with them because they weren't black like my mother's.

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when ever i ate broccoli i thaught the monkey from Lion King was in there

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My father used to tell me that squashes are eggs of crocodiles. This really encouraged me to eat a lot of it thinking that it can really make me as strong as a crocodile. I can't remember how I come to realize this wasn't so.

... Don't worry dad, I still eat my veggies. :D

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I used to believe that broccoli was little trees that were shrunken so you could eat them, and that if you planted them they would grow back to their normal size

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I used to think eating spanish rice would make you speak spanish, so whenever I took a bite I would say "hola"

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I was convinced as a child that the Navel station was where you got your belly button checked. (not sure what for). When my parents said that was not what happened there; my sister and I assumed it then must have something to do with oranges.

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When I was younger, I always thought that the little grease bubbles on the top of soup meant that it had MSG in it.

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When I was little, I heard my mother talking to my grandmother about recipes.My grandmother gave my mother a recipe for Shepherd's Pie, one that she got from her mother, my great grandmother.

Now, my great grandmother's last name was Shephard, so for years I thought that her family invented it! That was, after all, why it was named "Shephard's Pie."

Of course, when I found out other families had it too, I was a bit confused. How could they have our family recipe? All sorts of stories went through my head. My mind eventually settled on that my great grandmother had sold the recipe a long time ago, not realizing how popular it would be, and it became really famous. It wasn't spoken of in my family because they were probably bitter they could have become rich off it.

It wasn't until years later that I found out the truth of it being an old English dish, and most likely had nothing to do with my family.

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