i used to believe

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My mother told us never to eat popcorn before going to bed, as it was very hard to digest.

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My parents made me believe that if I ate lamb I would get the wool stuck between my teeth!! Pretty scary when you still believe this when you get older and that is your first meal at your in-laws!!!

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I used to believe, when i was 7 that eating spinach would actually make me strong like popeye until i tried to bust through a wall and ended up almost breaking my hand.

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When my daughters wre in grade school, they cured hams for a 4-H project. After the judging as the county fair, something was said about hams being pork, from pigs. "Oh, no," my youngest daughter said, "Hams come from ham animals!"
Her belief was that the shank end of the ham was the "ham animal's" neck. To make a ham from a "ham animal" you cut off the head and legs, which left the round, fat body of the animal.

March Warn
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when i was a child around the age of 8-10 i used to believe a baloney (the sandwich meat) was a real live animal that looked liked a pig with an elaphant trunk.

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I used to believe that pizza came from the ocean.

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I used to believe that you got 'Mintolia Disease' if you ate too much mint flavoured Ice Cream.

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i used to think the "twin" cherries were earrings, and i'd hang them through my actual earrings and walk around like that all day.

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When I was a little kid I used to hate butter. If I saw someone putting butter on my food I would flip out. It didn't matter if it was on rolls, mashed potatoes, I wanted nothing to do with that stuff. Well, my grandmother always made this toast for me with this amazing secret seasoning, so everytime I would go over there, I'd ask her to make me some toast with the seasoning. It was only several years later that she revealed she had been putting butter on my toast all those years!!

Butter Me Up
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When I was about fifteen I went on a road trip with my parents. We had breakfast at a quaint little restaurant. Our waitress had a fascinating accent I'd never heard before, and she asked me first, "Would you like soup or salad with that?" All I replied was "Yes." She asked again, and again I said yes. When she came back with both soup and salad, I thought, "Wow, this does not look like the SUPER salad I ordered."

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that coleslaw was cold slaw.

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I used to believe that the reason why my mom never bought Ramen noodles was because they were some sort of very expensive pasta that we couldn't afford. I had no idea what they actually were until I was 12!

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My sister used to tell me that pickle juice came from a spring in Africa.

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I used to believe that knowledge was a vitamin.
Like, an actual vitamin called Vitamin K.

I just remember my brother on my first day of school telling me 'knowledge is a vitamin'.

I was 8 when I found out he was talking crap.

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My retarded sister is a vego and she has been ever since she was 3. she used to be the biggest ham eater in the world because she thought ham wasn't made out of pigs and that chicken wasn't made out of chicken. she is stupid.
my stupid sister says...NO IM NOT!!!!

alex rtw
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When I was little I thought pancakes were pan-a-cakes because of the pat-a-cake game my mom played with me. (I thought she was saying "pan-a-cake,pan-a-cake, baker's man) I loved pancakes and asked for them all the time calling them "pan-a-cakes". Then when I was about five my grandmother told me they were really called "pancakes" and that sounded so wrong! It took years before it began to sound okay to just say "pancake".

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once when i was babysitting, i had to go to the grocery store, so i had to bring the kid along with me, while we were there, he desperately wanted a coconut, i bought him one, and when i asked him what he was going to do with the coconut, he shook it (hearing the milk inside) and then said " i'm going to to home and plant it, and i won't even have to water it because it already produces it own water"

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i work at a school and a little girl there really enjoys playing in the sandbox on the playground, well she had decided to make me pretend food out of the sand, and then she decided she wanted me to make her something, so i told her i would make her an ice cream sundae, then with true concern, she said "STOP, you can't, its not Sunday! make me an ice cream Monday!"

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when i was about 3-4 years old my mam told me that if i wouldn't be thankfull for having food to eat,my food would,suddenly disappear from my plate...so from this time i started yelling :THANKS!"every time i left the kitchen..

somehow,i still say thanks till now everytime i left anyone's kitchen...i am 18 years old!

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This belief has to do with my kids and my sister. My kids always loved eating tortilla shells by themselves. When they were very small, they were each eating one while my sister was visiting. I made a sarcastic remark to my sister and she commented back to me "Oh, go hug a bear." (She was making a polite remark to me because my kids were in the room. One day the kids came to me and asked me for a "hugabear." I had no idea what they were talking about. After I had them show me what they were talking about, I realized the connection they had made that day. For years after that, I just let them call tortilla shells hugabears.

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