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O.k. how many of us got this lecture When we didn't finish our food. " There are millions of starving kids in the world" I would think to myself , o.k. I'm not hungry can we mail it to them? ...

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Until I was about 8,I thought my school lunch was an advanced civilization.The pizza was actually a suburb with millions of little cheese people and the pepperoni where a school,city hall,and a rec center.The fruit cup was actually a deep swimming poll filled with large pool toys.The milk jug was actually the town's water tower.I even gave each lunch a name.

Maybe I should've watched less sci-fi when I little.

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I used to believe that "chicharron" (a latino's food --deep fried pork skin) was made out of pig's ears. The reason I believed that for a long time is because in my home country (Nicaragua) we call "chicharron" by a different name: "Torrejas" which rymes with "orejas" (ears in Spanish).

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When I was eight or nine I thought it was so cruel to eat lamb roast, because it was a baby lamb. So mum and dad told me it was only the sick lambs that died of natural causes that were used for lamb roasts, while the healthy lambs were left to live happily ever after

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When I was in elementary school, I saw an episode of The Magic School Bus, in which a character's skin turned orange ater eating alot of carrot-like snacks. I figure that it would be cool to be orange so I took out a bag of baby carrots and binge ate them. I didn't turn orange but I did get sick!

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I used to believe vanilla were albino chocolate.

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I used to believe that "Vitamin C" was because you could actually "see" it in the orange. However, I never could find/see it!

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When I was a child, I had a fear of bagels. I thought they were stale doughnuts.

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when i was a kid when i ate a sandwich after you ate it if you go in the sand i thought a sandwich would come out and grab you under the sand

jordan wass grade6p
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I have a friend who hates bannanas. when he was young he loved them. he ate them so much and so fast he often got sick whenever his mum bought bannanas. so his mum told him he was allergic to them. he belived her for years and years... but now he hates the taste!

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I used to believe that foods like tomatoes, onions, and lettuce were "grown up" foods and that I wouldn't like them until I became an adult.

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When I was lttle I thought spaghetti grew in the ground like a vegetable.

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I used to believe that bananas grow on markets because they were always hanging from the stands. My logic was that fruits hang from trees; bananas hung from the market stands- and there you have it- they must be growing there!:)

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I thought Golden Crisp cereal was coffee beans for kids. It smelled like coffee, took the coffee bean shape... so therefore it was so. Just "toned down" into whimsical-looking coffee shapes. Mum wasn't very happy when I put some in her coffee maker.

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When I was around 7 one day at my grandma's house I was eating Mc Donalds when I found some Ketchup packets at the bottom They said "Fancy Ketchup" on the front. I wondered why it said "Fancy" Ketchup and after a while of thinking I assumed it was really rare expensive Ketchup that was supposed to taste extra delicious. With that thought planted in my mind I tried it and would stop in between bites to tell my granparents how good the ketchup tasted. When they asked me why I told them

"Because its FANCY ketchup!"

To this day Mc Donalds still serves the Fancy Ketchup and I still laugh when I think about it

Nina [3
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My upstairs neighbour as used to bring home bags of runner beans home every week and he used to give some to us. One day i asked him wher he got them from. He said i catch them in the park during the night.

The next week he took me with fishing nets anall and there was i running around the park tring to catch runner beans in my net ... never did catch any

but to this day im still sure i saw some.

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I honestly thought that the mudpies we made to toss at eachother were actually pies. We used to make a few to set aside and eat later along with purple clover flowers.

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I was in my 20s when I found out there are no beans called 'Porkin'.

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I used to believe that cantelope was the stomaches of antelopes

Mandy Matthews
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My cousin told me once that eating the cheese's plastic-like crust would kill you, after seeing me doing it. I pretended to disbelieve her, but I actually did. Later, in my bed, I was waiting for my life to end. I was so scared that my heartbeats began to rise up, which was the obvious sign of an imminent heart attack... The morning after, I hated my cousin so bad, but I felt so stupid that I couldn't tell my cousin about it!

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