i used to believe

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Once I was spending time with 6 year old Francis and her mom. They decided to go get some Ice Cream at the local McDonald's. When they pulled in the person at the counter said there were no more ice cream cones. Her mother said to Francis, "Well, we'll get you an Ice Cream Sunday then." Francis' reply was hilarious: "But mom, I don't want an ice cream Sunday, I want one now!"

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When I was a kid I loved hot dogs. The one day my mother put out small cubes of cheese and meat and put them out as a side dish. She said they were cold cuts. Since they appeared to be the opposite of hot dogs, I thought she said cold cats. I hated them immediately.

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My aunt would always tell me that eating pinapples would make my eyebrows grow, my little brother too! We believed her, and always ate as many pinapples as we could, so our eyebrows wouldn't dissapear!

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i used to beleive that rice cripes (cereal) were alive because when i put mild on them they used to pop and i still dont eat them now freaky hey

shannon cannan
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I used to believe that white eggs were from city chickens and that brown eggs were from the country chickens.

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I used to be believe that vanilla ice cream was the "healthy" flavor.

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I used to believe making a cake from scratch meant using a box mix rather than buying a cake from the store.

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My older sister told me this once when I was little and I totally believed it: She told me that if children eat Monteray Jack cheese... then Montery Jack will come and eat them in their sleep...

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When I was little, my mom used skin cream. I wanted to use it but thought it was the stuff in cream filled cookies, so one night, I took about 7 cookies into my room and disected them, rubbing the cream all over myself. strange thing is, I knew it wasn't cookie cream, but I did it anyway.

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i used to believe that spaggetti grew on trees!

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At first, I only knew about chocolate truffles, and knew nothing about the mushrooms with the same name until I was about ten. I assumed they were the same thing, and proceeded to ask my dad "How do they turn the mushrooms into chocolate?". I was so embarrased when he burst out laughing!

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I used to think that if you eat pig heart, you could grow another heart and be twice as healthier.

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I used to believe that shrimp boats were boats full of little people.

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I would always eat PB&J sandwiches. So when my grandpa would ask me what I ate for lunch that day, I would say "a PB&J sandwich". Then he told me that if I keep eating that every day I would TURN INTO A PB&J SANDWICH! So I was always afraid of turning into one that I went into a phase of no sandwiches. This lasted for about a year, until I learned that it was impossible to turn into a sandwich. Although I thought it would be quite funny.

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My hubby was told when he was a kid that ice cream had washing detergent in it. Rather than putting him off eating ice cream he liked it all the more because it was cleaning his insides at the same time!

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I have a friend who sid he used to think diabetes was pasta so he would ask his mom, "Mom, can I have diabetes for dinner?" I cracked up when he told me

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My siblings and I used to believe...

...that broccoli and cauliflower were actually little trees.

...that the "beans" in the middle of green beans were sleeping pills. [I have NO idea where we got that idea!]

...that it was possible to eat so much that you'd become full all the way to the top of your skull. We all claimed to have reached this state on many occasions.

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When I was about 3 or 4, my ABSOLUTE FAVOURITE television show was the Incredible Hulk! Now as a little kid I used to hate eating peas as much as I hated eating brussell sprouts...so one night my father told me that if I ate all my peas I'd turn green like the Hulk. Trusting my father completely I wolfed them down as quickly as possible. An hour later my parents found me crying in front of the mirror because I of course hadn't turned green! That was the last time I ever listened to my parents!

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When I was little I thought that grilled cheese sandwiches were called girl cheese sandwiches and I got quite upset when my mom let my brother eat them because I insisted that they were only for girls!

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i used to belive that kidney beans were bean shaped things that grew in kidneys... untill yesterday

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