i used to believe

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My friend used to think that if you squish white bread and rolls, it makes them less fattening.. she still squishes her rolls before she east them.

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i used to think CHAPATI (in Hindi) meant Tea Leaves. I didn't know that CHAPATI is actually the Hindi synonym for The Indian Bread commonly known as ROTI.

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When I was fairly young, I got it into my head that pepperoni was some kind of vegetable. I think I read somewhere that vegetarians kids liked pizza, which of course to an eight year old means pepperoni. I asked my mom about it, and she, being funny, said, "Sure pepperoni grows on trees." I believed her (still not quite sure how I ended up being considered "gifted") I am ashamed to say I was probably about 12 or 13 before I figured it out.

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When I was little I used to think about french fries. I though that the ends with the potatoe skin on the ends were really snake skin.

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I thought it was "Smashed Tomatoes" instead of mashed patatoes

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When I was about 5 I used to believe that if I ate spinach I would be as strong as Popeye!! To this day I love spinach!!

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when i was 4 or 5, i loved my dads star wars action figures. whenever i had pizza for dinner with my grandpa, i'd ask him if i could have the little table in the center of the pieand use it for my dads star wars action figures' dinner.

3 years later, i found out that that little table was used for keeping from the pizzas flyin all over the box. herei am 30 years later and I still use the tables for the remining of now my star wars action figures

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When I was little my mom made dinosaur cookies. One time a dinosaurs head broke off. I was like mom you chopped off his head! She said no no. He just laughed too hard so it snapped. He's alright.

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I used to believe that if you ate peanut butter, your insides would stick together and you would not be able to poop.

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I used to think that if I planted enough cheerios in the ground I would eventually have a cheerio tree. I would even plant and fed it milk because I thought it would grow faster and when it's done the milk would be inside the cheerio as well.

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when i was a kid i thought that a box of cereal was 130 calories. i couldnt measure the amount of food i was consuming so i told myself the box adjusted the calories with how ever much i took.

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i once believed, (well, my family is generally veg.) that peperoni was something like peppered onions, well pepperoni pizza, you got it.

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I thought that if you ate too many Pringles, you would look like that head on the can. I didn''t want to be bald with a huge mustache so I stopped eating them.

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i used to believe that apples where called pears and that pears were called apples.

apples n' pears
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For the longest time, I thought that grilled cheese sandwiches were actually GIRL cheese sandwiches. I always felt a little slighted when my parents gave them to both me and my brother, since he plainly didn't meet the requirements.

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I used to think pineapples came from cheese, because they I thought cut slices look the same. I thought that's why they had ham & pineapple pizzas.

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top belief!

Until I was in HIGH SCHOOL I thought that pimentos occured naturally inside of green olives. Embarrassed myself terribly finding out otherwise.

olive lover
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I used to believe that crayons were candy and the colors were flavors. We went through a lot of crayons

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I thought that the chicken in Kentucky Fried Chicken actually had to be imported from Kentucky because they had special types of frying equipment.

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top belief!

I used to think that you had to be french to really taste french fries.

Not French;)
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