i used to believe

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I thought that nuts were little wood pieces. So i thought that the cover on peanuts was bark. I never ate any nuts cuz i thought termite grew in them.

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I used to think you had to be in a special club to get a Club Sandwich.

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While growing up, us kids always had Knudsen's lemon flavored yogurt for a snack. We knew of no other brands or flavors, so all we ever asked for was "Knudsen's Yogurt!" but it was just a phrase since we did not really know about different brand names. Well one day I saw a cartoon of a witch making a special brew and one ingredient was "eye of newt." I found out a newt was a little animal like a lizard. I wanted to get one because they must be delicious since I figured out that we eat "Newts and Yogurt."

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I remember thinking that to make your toast darker, you had to put in jam sandwich. Through experimentation i can tell you it's not true.

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One day( I was very Young) I was having a peanut butter sandwich, when I stumbled onto the thought " Where does peanut butter come from? " I didn't want my cousin to think I was stupid so I just asked where butter came from, he saidCows. So the next day we went for a drive and I saw a cow with something beside it. I made my parent stop so I could marvel at the "Peanut Butter " I wonder Why she wouldn't let me taste it?

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I was told that by eating my carrots, I would eventually be able to see in the dark. I believed that one for awhile.

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When I was young, I always believed that when I ordered a fish sandwich at McDonald's (or anywhere else) they actually had to take the fish out of a pond in the back of the restaurant and cook it.

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When I was younger my mother used to put croutons in soup. I always thought that a ghost was drinking my soup for me as I was not a big fan of it, but it was actually just the croutons absorbing the soup. Silly me

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When I was little I was having breakfast with my parents. While reading the menu I noticed a small blurb that read "egg beaters, 25 cents extra." I thought it was very strange that they actually allowed people to beat their own eggs in the restaraunt.

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When I was 8 or 9 there was a commercial for Powerpuff Girls cereal. After watching the commercial I thought the cereal would actually give me superpowers, so I begged my parents to buy me the cereal (I didn't tell them the reason) and my dad had to search all over the place for the cereal and when I finally got it I found out it did not give me superpowers, and it tasted horrible.

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When i was young i used to eat Brown Sugar non-stop. My mum told me that if i eat it, i'd get worms. i believed her up until about i was 17 when i went shopping with her and she bought some brown sugar, and i said to her "doesn't that give you worms?" she laughed.

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When I was around 4 or 5 i thought that the trix yogurt would really turn you colors.

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When I was little, I always used to get the words "navel" and "nasal" mixed up. I always wondered why oranges were named after your nose...
Also, I sometimes confused "navy" with "navel," and that really got me wondering about the orange situation.

orange nose
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In second grade my friend told me that you could get pregnant from eating postachios!

Megan T.
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i used to believe (up til last year in fact!!) that anchovies were a vegetable! and no matter how many times someone told me they were a type of fish, i denied it.

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At my grandparents' house, my brother and I were fighting over the blueberry muffins. Both of us wanted the muffin with the most blueberries showing on the top. In order to stop our fighting, my grandfather told us that the muffins with very few blueberries on top actually had the most inside. So, we started fighting over those!

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wen i was younger,everyday,when we rode through pineapple fields and i would see little rays of sunlight going through the clouds i believed that those rays of light came from heaven to get the dead,rotten pineapples.....

pineapple girl
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I read the story "Stone Soup" for the first time when I was five and didn't understand the trick that was played. I believed you could actually make soup out of just stone! I picked out a nice, potentially flavorful stone from our garden, asked for a bit of hot water and tried it for myself. It lacked the other ingredients, I thought.

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When I was a boy we had an old jar of cinnamon sugar Mom put out on the table whenever we had French toast for breakfast. I thought the jar had just lasted forever, so old the label was faded and peeling off, but I was seven or eight before I discovered that my mother regularly refilled it with cinnamon and sugar she mixed herself.

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My little cousin recently asked me, "Cinnamon? (pronounced sin-a-mawn) Is that a kind of Pokémon?"

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