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I used to beleive that if i was eating cheerios or any other kind of cereal that I couldn't leave just one floating in the milk. If there were two or three left I had to scoop them all into my spoon, i thought the last cheerio would be lonely going into my stomach all by himself. To this day, that is still how I eat my cereal (I'm 22)

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My favorite food when I was little was grilled cheese sandwiches 'cause I thought they were called 'Girl Cheese Sandwiches' and only girls could eat them.

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I had a co-worker who had a very young son. She, her husband, daughter and son had gone out to dinner one night.

The waiter asked everyone what type of dressing they wanted on their salads.

They all said they wanted the "House" dressing.

When the salads came to the table, her son was disgusted.

He said "This is not the kind of dressing we have at the house"!

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For the first part of my life (from childhood till age 25 or so) I never liked fruit, I found it was alwasy tasteless and hard.

What I found out after I got married was that my Mom would only buy the most unrippened fruit available and she would throw it out before it even got ripe.

I did not know how delisious ripe fruit was until I got married and tried some fruit my wife was eating.

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When I was very young, my parents started teaching me to share.

When it was meal time, one of them would always ask "Would you share a bit of your food with me"?

I would happily share a bite, and they would say
"That was the best bite"!

That made me so angry, because I thought they literally meant, that I gave them the best bite of food off of my plate! If it was my food, I wanted the best bite!

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Well...I used to think that Fish Sticks were made out of chicken, i guess the word "fish" never really crossed my mind.

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When I was a child, my father told me Kentucky Fried Chicken would keep the chickens in the revolving bucket. It made sense: there was a large hatch under the bucket that -- obvious to me at age 5 -- was used to retreive the birds. Why did the bucket spin? So it would make the chickens dizzy and easy to catch if they tried to escape.

Michael Hainsworth
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When i was young, whenever i would eat rare steak, i thought that the juice was blood from the cow it had come from...it would scare the shit outta me, and i wouldnt eat it...

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This is from an old friend of mine. When her oldest brother was little, he was crying at school all day, and his mom had to come to the school to see what was wrong.

He had seen the "Cream of Wheat" commercial where the cereal stayed with you all day, and a cartoon of the cereal bowl followed you all over.

He was upset because the cereal didn't follow him to school.

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When I was little, my grandmother used to be a great cook. Anytime I would eat any of her cooking, I always commented on how good it was. She always said "This is from scratch" For years, I thought "scratch" was a person. I always asked who Scratch was. When I was around 6 or 7, I finally realized that she meant scratch was another term for homemade.

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when i was about 7 years old, I used to believe that all the food i was eating was actually alive. I'd find it very hard to eat anything, and my mum would make me so I would chew my food very carefully so as not to hurt it too much!
i felt very guilty about the poor potatoes being crushed- the irony is im not even vegetarian!!

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when i was younger my dad told me and my sister that if we ate peas it would make u sbe able to jump higher. so we would eat one pea and then jump and ask him if we could jump higher.

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When I was about 5, my older brother told me that Kiwi fruits were actually cute little animals that were curled up tight like a hedgehog.
When we went to the grocer a while later, I managed to get a hold of a kiwi and tried to pry it open so that I could play with it.
Needless to say, it just broke open...but I was absolutey horrified! I started screaming and shreiking and causing a huge rukus. When my mom came sprinting over to see what had happened, I started sobbing about how I had "killed the poor kiwi".

I was inconsolable for hours!

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One day, my family and I were eating peanuts when my brother's friend came over and started staring. "Do you want some?" we asked. "You guys eat those things...I thought they were made for elephants!"

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i used to believe you could buy banana's that would be cut into slices when you opened them

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When i was youger my and i were at Mazzio's and my oldest brother told me that Cowzone ring pizza actually had a cow ring in the middle of the pizza and if you found it you got to keep it. I believed him.

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I thought buffalo wings were wings from a buffalo, for years I looked for their wings

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when i was little, i didn't think that anything mattered in cooking except that the mix/batter/dough be the same color/texture as what you were planning on making. My mom had had a really long day and mentioned something about having to make dinner and dessert. I decided (at 7) that i would save her some work and make a cake for dessert. I took a big plastic rubbermaid container and started to fill it with flour, cocoa, chocolate syrup, mustard, baking soda, eggs, coffee, bread, jam, and anything else i could get my hands on. I mixed the whole thing up, put it in the microwave, and four minutes later....BOOM!....it exploded. Needless to say, I did not lessen my mom's workload that night. To this day i'm still finding pieces of my "cake" on the vents inside my microwave.

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My mother got my siblings and I to eat brocilli by saying they were "fairy trees" and thus making them special. However my elementry school was very big on teaching us the importance of saving your environment, so when I'd see huge bowls full of brocilli I'd start crying - thinking that I was aiding the deforestation in the "Fairy World" and causing their rain forests to be destroyed.

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My dad used to give me a piece of dry spaghetti to chew on when he was cooking, and once he told me that if i ate it, it would swell up inside my stomach. I asked him how much it would swell and he indicated that it would grow to an inch in diameter. I believed this until i was about 18 and figured that would be impossible!

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