i used to believe

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This might seem kind of odd, but when I was like probably 5, and my dad took me to a padres game (the baseball team) there were these to women sitting infront of us eating cheese. Since both of the women had orangeish colored freckles and the cheese was orange I thought that eating cheese makes you get freckles I stopped eating cheese till I was about 14!!!

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I used to believe that the restaurant Wataburger was really spelled and pronounced "Waterburger". That then led me to believe that they used water in the making of their burger patties which made their hamburgers taste really plain. It wasn't until my parents stopped buying me regular hamburgers that I relized my myth wasn't true.

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In the U.S., they had these peanut butter commercials. They showed a piece of bread with peanuts all over it, but if you spread a knife over the peanuts, it turns into peanut butter! I was always amazed when I saw this happen on TV!

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I thought that cotton candy was made from dryer lint.

I also called macaroni and cheese, black baloney and cheese.

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I used to believe that the red thing in the middle of a Greek olive was the pit.

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I thought cereal fell from the sky when I was around three!
I dont remeber what cereal it was, but it had commercial where it fell out of the sky if you ate it. So, of course I needed to buy some! I asked my mother to by tons:P I was so upset when nothing fell on my head.

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Until I was about 8 or 9, I thought that rice was just chopped up spaghetti. I always wondered why sometimes my mom chopped it up and sometimes she didn't.

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i asked my dad why we had to wait for food to arrive in a restaurant, and he said it was because you had to 'catch the chips first' etc... i belived him. haha

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I used to think that when you went to a party and were supposed to bring a "dish to pass" you were not allowed to enter unless you had a dish. I thought that it was quite silly, but I never questioned it. It wasnt until I was much older that I realized that all it meant was you were supposed to bring food to share.

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When I was about four of five, I used to eat rice crispies in front of the TV. Then came the day that I asked my dad what the snaps and crackles were when I poured the milk in. He said that they were snaps, crackles and pops. I then remembered that Snap, Crackle and Pop were the names of the elves on the cereal box. That gave me the idea that they were living in my cereal. I didn't eat rice crispies again for a while.

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I didn't know until I was in 7th grade that meat came from animals. I thought it was made at the grocery store and the fact that the different types were named after animals was just clever. I did, however, know that we ate fish and seafood. This belief was also perpetuated when my older brother told me in 4th grade what hotdogs were made out of. I was so disgusted I asked my mother to confirm, and she said that he was wrong.

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I used to believe that there was a brand of cake mix called "scratch" because my mom used to tell me she made her cakes from scratch. I always thought there were cake mix boxes with a "scratch" label, like Betty Crocker.

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when i was little i used to believe that when you poured ketchup on fries they had dies because i thought it was blood.

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top belief!

When I was growing up my oldest brother played the largest role in raising me. He had a lot of rules about food (don't drink my orange juice, for example). Processed cheese singles were "Blake's Cheese". I thought they were called "Blake's Cheese" for most of my life. One day when I was about 16 a friend asked me what on earth was "Blake's Cheese" and I learned that I was the only person on earth who called them that.

I still call them Blake's Cheese in my head.

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When I was younger, I ate a lot of cheese doodles. I believed that every bag was a family of cheese doodles, and I would eat as many as possible to try and keep the "family" together. There was always this random image of my mind of a cheese doodle family, fully clothed and with hair, sitting in the waiting room that was my stomach. When it was time to be digested, the jumped through this little tube thing and came out the other end.
I still have a vision of this cheese doodle in a dress with big black hair, reading a news paper while hanging out in my stomach.

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I used to believe that my body was empty, totally hollow and that when I ate the food just piled up inside. So when I'd tell my mom that I was too full for more dinner I would explain that I still had room for ice cream cos it just went all melty and filled in the cracks.

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My mom told me and my brother that if you eat during a movie, you won't be able to hear what the charactors are saying. We believed her and never asked for popcorn or candy at the movies for years. Then I noticed that other people seemed to be able to eat and listen at the same time.

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Before I could read, my sister used to tell me I was saying "Burger King" wrong and that it was really called "booger King" because they make everything with boogers in it.

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My mother told me (when I was wee) that if I stuck my finger in the pudding to taste it, it wouldn't get thick, but instead would be all runny and yucky so she'd know I'd touched it.

I was 28 before I finally asked anyone else if this was true (via a post on usenet). It isn't.

Now I stick my fingers in the pudding on general principle every time I make it.

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I was sure that in a Cereal box there were strawberries inside. My mother would just put some before I wake up!

Grimm Belmont
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