i used to believe

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When I was younger I always wanted blue eyes like my best friend. I used to believe if I listened to mum and ate my cheese sandwiches my eyes would turn blue! It took about three years for me to work out it wasn't true!

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I would see my mom turning off the oven before she took the food out of it. I thought the dials controled the kind of food she wanted. ie. she would set the control to meatloaf and the oven would make a meatloaf for her.

jb workman
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When I first started reading labels on cereal boxes, I was fascinated with everything they had to say, but i was confused as to why many of them said "Sugar Free". I finally decided that the cereal companies had some extra sugar and that we could call them for some. :)

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When i was little, i was convinced pepperoni came from horses.

Lol...well...all the other farm animals had meat...ham and bacon and pork was with pigs, beef and steak was with cows, chicken was with chicken..so naturally being a child I just assumed that they killed horses for pepperoni.

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I was 14 when i realized that nectarines were not shaved peaches

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Not really my own, but I witnessed it first hand. :-)

I was in the produce section at the grocery store and I overheard this family (Mom, Dad, son - about 10 or 11, and daughter about 6). The mom told the little girl to put something down and when I looked up, the little boy was eyeing the eggplant his sister was holding. He asked his mom what it was and she casually replied "It's an eggplant." The boy got this REALLY confused look on his face and then asked his mom "It makes eggs?!?" I just smirked at the mom (and she at me) when she saw me listening to the conversation.

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My dad loves to eat butter on saltine crackers. The more butter the better. When I was little I always wanted to do what dad was doing. To keep me from indulging in his bad habit snack he told me that butter hurt your teeth and promptly stuck out his dentures. "See." He said. "That's why I had to have all my teeth pulled." My mother didn't know that my dad had told me this and tried to offer me a piece of buttered toast soon after. I shook my head and refused to eat the toast because it had butter on it and explained "butter hurts my teeth." I'm not sure how long I believed this, but I'm 28 years old now and still get teased about it.

country girl
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One time when I was 6 I got a hamburger when I was eating at Max & Erma's.The waiter asked if i wanted pepper on it.I said yes because I thought he meant pepper as in salt & pepper.I took I bite of it and I screamed like crazy because it was jalepeno peppers.

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I used to beleive that buffalos had wings! My mom was eating buffalo wings and i wanted to no what they were. And that is what she told me. Then my dad freaked me when he told me that people shot buffalo that had wings! i belived it. And when we were redoing my room my dad said do you want unicorns or the jungle or buffalo with wings!!!!! i chose jungle!lol

chelsea #8
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I use to belive that the saying you are what you eat means if you ate alot of you favorate food youd turn in to it

Gregory Honeytoast
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I used to believe when I got belly aches when I was little the food inside my belly was fighting. I.E: The cheese fighting the bread.

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I was told when I was about 5 or 6 years old that if after my grandma put the egg shells in the bin, and I touched the little bit of white left in the cracked egg half, that I would get warts all over my fingers. I am now almost 20, and until a few months ago had avoided empty egg shells incase I caught warts - my fiance, thought I was an idiot.

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When I was really young.... around 5 years old I used to belive hot dogs were made of dogs and I loved dogs yet I still ate them, but now that Im 12 I know better. I also used to think that cow tails were cow tail but now I know that they are beef jerky.

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I only descovered that macoroni was a kind of pasta when we made some in a cookery class when I was about 13. until then, I'd only ever heard of 'macoroni cheese', + so I assumed it was some kind of chewy cheese...

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When i was little i thought pringles were called chris cringles. And when i was like my friend offered me some. And we started fighting over what they were called.

not santa
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i belived spicy musturd was chinese musturd my dad told me that

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When I was about 5 years old, I used to get the eggs out of the refrigerator, take one out of the box and sit on them or hide them in the back of the couch. I always wanted a baby chicken, but mum wasnt happy when she had to remove at least 10 runny eggs from the lounge.

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I always thought my animal craker box was refilled by magic fairies. If I left the empty box on the counter, magically the next morning it would be filled again. My parents keep the large container hidden, I didn't know you could buy them in bulk!

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My dad's explanation of where and how macaroni and spagetti were grown and harvested...picked from bushes and cut such as grass (respectively) in south Texas, dried and packaged for grocers...'til the Discovery Channel launched.

Jotie Orquiz
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My little sister used to believe Brazil Nuts were called "genie nuts" and if you ate enough a genie would come out and grant your wish. Thanks to her older sister, she went to Jr. High still believing that. :)

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