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Chocolate milk comes from brown cows

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I once saw an ad for ice cream with a purple cow on it. After that I believed ice cream came from purple cows, chocolate milk came from brown cows and normal milk came from black and white cows. Later I was introduced to banana-flavored milk and was convinced that this milk came from gorillas.

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My Grandmother told me that chocolate milk and chocolate ice cream came from black cows, regular milk and vanilla ice cream came from white cows, and black and white cows were responsible for chocolate/vanilla swirl ice cream....it used to really bother me that she couldn't tell me which cows produced strawberry ice cream! I still don't know that one!!!!! :)

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When I was very small my mom's best friend worked in a restaurant with chocolate milk that came from a special chocolate cow that lived in the basement. Unfortunately for me it was always asleep when we went to visit so I never got to see it!

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My elder sister used to believe, when she was 5 or so, that white cows gave out white milk, brown cows gave out chocolate milk, pink cows gave out strawberry milk, etc., and that by eating the right coloured grass you would turn into a cow of that colour and start giving out milk. She used to eat grass covered in mud at primary school in an attempt to turn into a brown cow. Needless to say it never worked.

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Since day one, my grandmother had me believing that the black and white cows made plain milk, the brown cows made chocolate milk, and the reddish cows made strawberry milk. It wasn't until I brought It up at the dinner table at age THIRTEEN, did I know that that is completely false.

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My mother used to tell me that brown cows made chocolate milk, and that if a cow was shaken up that you would get a milk shake. I also believed that the cows that were black with white in the middle which were constantly called oreo cows in my house made the oreo cream filling.

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When I was young my dad told me that chocolate milk came from brown cows... every time we would go on a trip he would point out the "chocolate cows!"
He also told me that strawberry milk came from pink cows.

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I used to believe that chocolate milk comes from brown cows and strawberry milk comes from pink cows. Then I realized that they all came from white cows, and you had to add the chocolate or strawberry powder yourself.

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I used to believe that the colour of the cow determined the type of milk that the cow produced. Although I never could figure out where strawberry milk came from

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When I was a child, I truly believed that Chocolate milk came from Brown and Black cows, and white milk came from White and spotted cows. I also was told that Cows that lived in the hills and mountains had to wear boots so they would not fall off the hill...LOL

Diana S.
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i used to think chocolate milk came from brown cows and normal milk came from white cows

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I used to believe that brown cows reaaly gave chocolate milk.

Michael Pacitti
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i used to believe that milk came from white cows, chocolate syrup came from brown cows, and the cows with mixed colors were chocolate milk, as a result of a browm cow and a white cow mating.

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untill i was about 9 i belived white milk came from black and white cows, and chocolate milk came from brown cows. the only exeption was when you used the mix. but when you got chocolate already made from the store, it was straight from the farm where they milked the cows. it made perfect sence to me! when i was 7 i stoped beliving that pink cows existed (which would produce strawberry milk) and started to think that it was made by taking strawberrys and stoming on them (got THAT idea from a fair were i saw some girls pretending to make wine by stoming on some grapes) and then puting them in a bowl with holes in the bottom like a strainer. after that the people poured white milk over it into bottles. that made strawberry milk! i got the chocotate milk idea from my almost 8 year older sister. EVERY TIME we past cows or she saw me drink or even SAY the word "chocolate milk" she would remind me about the brown cows and how only they could make chocolate milk and how the white cows or black and white cows would make white milk. i was so stupid!!!!!!

little miss
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We all know that most parents tell their kids that Chocolate milk comes from brown cows and white milk from white cows. Well, I wanted to know about Strawberry and my father told me that strawberry came from people! I was confused and he told me their was a group of people out there who dressed up like pink cows and that's where we got strawberry milk from! And, yes, I believed him and always watched the news, looking for the elusive 'strawberry people'. Man, I am gulliable.

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i used to think that chocolate mile came from brown cows and that (normal) milk comes from the white and black spotted cows. But if the black and white cows fell over when the cow tippers came, the cow's colors would get mixed up and they could only make chocolate milk now.

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When I was little, I used to believe chocolate milk came from cows with brown spots.

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I knew that Holsteins (Black & White Cows) gave white milk. I was told that chocalate milk came from Brown Cows.

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My Dad told me that Chocolate Milk came from brown cows. I believed him. I didn't learn the truth until my hubby (#2) & I were travelling & came upon some brown cows & I told our daughter that was where chocolate milk came from!... The subject of where chocolate came from just had never come up all those years! Geeez!!!

Karen Eppler Corpus Christi, Tx.
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When I was very young, I used to think that regular milk came from white cows and chocolate milk came from brown cows. Needless to say, I was extremely perplexed by black cows and spotted cows.

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