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This is pretty cruel really... My Father would ask me where milk came from when I was five or so. I would reply 'from cows', which seemed pretty reasonable to me. He then tried to convince me that milk grew on trees. Of course, I scoffed at the idea. Time and time again, I didn't fall for his joke. Until I awoke one morning to find Milk on the tree! I was amazed. He had tied full milk bottles to the tree in an effort to convince me. And convince me it did. For a year, maybe two, maybe more, whenever I was asked the question 'where does milk come from', I would reply 'From Cows. And trees'.

Matt 'Velvetpresley' Tustin
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My twin cousins were 4 when a realtive told them milk was bad for them as a result they wouldn't drink it until the day their mom said it wasn't milk it was moo juice.

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My brother told me one time when I was about 4 that if I drank milk and threw up, it would come out in cubes.

I believed this until I was 13 and was amazed when it didn't work that way.

Matt Dukes
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When I was a little (3 years old), I have drunk once same spoilt milk. And, because next time I refused to drink no more milk, my Gramma told me that it wasn't cow-milk, but it was guinea hen-milk. And I have drunk!
I had That belief for many years. Every time when the milk was good, I thought it was guinea hen-milk, and when it was bad, I thought that was cow-milk.

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I used to believe that if you put milk in tea it would become coffee. This was because my mother drank her tea without milk and my father drank his coffee with milk

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sterilised milk came from bulls

kate mullins
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I used to get a strawberry milkshake from Dairy Queen called a "Blizzard". Only, I thought it meant blended lizard. I thought the red syrup at the bottom of the drink was the lizards blood. I enjoyed them anyway!

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I knew that if you stirred whole cream enough it would become fluffy whipped cream, so by the same logic I thought that if I shook one of those little single-serving tubs of half-and-half coffee creamer it would turn into a little tub of whipped cream. I still try it from time to time, hoping...

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When I was young my cousin told me (which I beleived for years of my young childhood) that skim milk was different to normal milk beacuse the farmers used to skim some skin off the cows after and add it to the milk.

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In my early years i thought that most of the milk came from cows, but a small amount of milk was produced by the garbagetruck. I always asked my parents if the milk i was drinking were real cow-milk.

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When I went to nursery school we got to drink milk or water at certain times of day. I used to think that if you mixed them together, and drank it, you would turn into a dinosaur. I have no idea why...

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I used to believe that tea was only light brown on the top (where you added the milk) and as you drank it this bit sank to the bottom. This idea was only dispelled when I had a cup of tea in a see through mug and I was very shocked.

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When I was young I didn't like regular milk and would only drink chocolate milk. My mother told me that women who breastfeed have one breast that is regular milk and one that is chocolate. I, apparently, would only drink from the chocolate side. Well occassionaly I would tell someone that. When I was about 8 my mom overheard me telling that story and asks "Didn't you know I was just kidding?" Well, now I know.

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When I was a kid grown-ups always told me to drink my milk because it would make my muscles grow. I wanted big Popeye arms, so I would swallow my milk on the right side of my mouth for my right arm and the left side of my mouth for the left arm.

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I used to believe that milk was cow's urine. That, however, still didn't stop me from enjoying it, but it made me uderstand when other people didn't.

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I used to believe that if you drank three glasses of straberry quick, you would automatically stop growing and stay the same size ever. Porbably because one time, my uncle (who is really short) was drinking strawberry quick, and I asked him if I could have some, and he told me that I didn't want any, because I didn't want to stop growing and be 4 feet tall for the rest of my life. I haven't had a glass of straberry quick since.

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I saw a sign that read "Dairy Bar" when I was a kid and I imagined a Western Saloon that served milk in shot glasses!

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When I was pretty young I REALLY liked chocolate milk. Every morning my mom would fix me a glass for breakfast and she always mixed it just right. Well one morning my dad made it instead... with WAY too much chocolate. Later that day I had a terrible stomach ache and upon examination by an emergency room physician it was determined that I needed an appendectomy. For YEARS I thought that my dad had made me sick by putting too much chocolate in my milk. I don't think I ever let him fix it for me again.

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My Mom told me to drink my milk because it would put hair on my chest. Once I realized that females shouldn't have hairy chests, I quit drinking milk! Of course, I realized that I didn't want a hairy chest WAY before I realized that my Mom was pulling my leg!

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There was an advert on British TV about invisible beings called Humphreys, that used to steal your milk and drink it - trying to encourage children to drink more milk. Instead, I felt bad for them and made my dad put out a glass of milk every night for the poor Humphreys to drink. He had years of drinking a glass of milk while I slept to sustain my belief!

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