i used to believe

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This is pretty cruel really... My Father would ask me where milk came from when I was five or so. I would reply 'from cows', which seemed pretty reasonable to me. He then tried to convince me that milk grew on trees. Of course, I scoffed at the idea. Time and time again, I didn't fall for his joke. Until I awoke one morning to find Milk on the tree! I was amazed. He had tied full milk bottles to the tree in an effort to convince me. And convince me it did. For a year, maybe two, maybe more, whenever I was asked the question 'where does milk come from', I would reply 'From Cows. And trees'.

Matt 'Velvetpresley' Tustin
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I though that skim milk was really 'skin' milk and I thought it was made from skin so I would never drink it. I beleived it until I could actually read the carton.

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i used to beleive when you drank milk your breasts would get bigger so i used to look down at them afterwords

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When i was little, I used to believe there were tiny men working inside the cow, like a factory so they could help produce the milk.

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This belief has just been solved recently. I once believed that the ice cream cone was inedible. (That means not safe to eat.) It was because for a long time I have not seen anyone eat one, and never ate it in a cone! I became secretly horrified when i saw my brother eat the cone, but i didn't dare to warn him. It wasn't until I searched on the internet that the cones are made out of wafers, which are kind of like waffles. Oh nuts! They should advertise the cones as edible, so that kids like me will not get confused!

Mahaer Mahmud
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I use to believe that you could make milk shakes by stirring chocolate milk long enough and fast enough, that's what the blender did. I spent hours stirring my milk, thinking only if I could stir it faster.

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I used to believe that milk was cow blood.

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We used to have our milk delivered to us, and the truck that brought it was white. My sister convinced me that chocolate milk would only be delivered by the brown trucks (UPS). Since we never got chocolate milk, and the UPS trucks never came to our house, either, the story made sense for years.

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My dad used to tell me that if you rubbed chicken fat on your chest you'd grow hair. He also said that if you gargle your milk you'll grow up to be a midget. I believed him until i was 6 or 7

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I really like to drink milk. And my grandmother didn't like me to drink so much of her milk and tried to scare me by saying if i drank too much i would go deathly pale forever, i didn't believe it. But my sister did and she did for about 3 years, when i proved it too her by buying and drinking 2 litres of it.

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I used to think that if a cow mooed while having the milk extracted from it the noise would be stored in the carton of milk. When the unsuspecting customer opened his newly bought carton of milk, the noise would erupt out of it and transport the cow into the room through the carton. I was always afraid of opening the new milk just in case...
Next time, be careful. It could happen to YOU!

Boviphobic Carton-Opener
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To make me stop drinking from the bottle, my grandma told me that if I kept doing it that I would turn into the Incredible Hulk. I didn't drink milk for three years.

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When I was a kid I used to believe that different breeds of cow meant different flavours of milk, hence variety in milk shake flavours.

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When I was a little kid, I used think that chocolate milk came from brown cows, and white milk only came from black and white cows. I also thought strawberry milk came from pink cows, and so on.

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I used to believe the pee of the cow was the milk. I didn't like milk.

Maeva, a French student in eighth grade
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my mom has it recorded on a tape - i used to think milk chocolate came from chocolate cows. you fed cows a lot of chocolate then they spouted chocolate milk.

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when i was little i was told about milk making your bones grow, so i drank and drank and drank, and for the longest time couldn't figure out why i had stopped growing and wasn't getting any taller. i have now come to terms with my height and have never broken a bone. so i guess the milk worked at least one way. *grin*

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i was told that the white stuff you get in your nails when you need calcium was milk and if you sucked your thumb enough the milk would come out and you would be able to drink it

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I used to believe chocolate milk came from brown cows and regular milk came from black and white cows

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I convinced my sister that chocolate milk was made out of Keebler cookie elves, she believed me for a month

Rainbow Steel
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