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When I was a kid my mom told me if you drank full strength chocolate milk it would give you worms. The only safe way to drink it was to dilute it with white milk. I'm pretty sure she was trying to save some cash!

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I used to think that African Americans gave out chocolate milk when they breastfed.

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When I Was Little I Saw My Mom Making Ice Cubes and When They Were Frozen They were White so the next time We had To make Ice Cubes I told Her I would Do it and because when i saw them when they were white i thought it was milk so i made the ice cubes out of milk and when they were frozen and my dad wanted an icecube to put in some water it melted and he had a milk and water drink!!!

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I grew up in Ohio and my Dad is a big nature person. We use to take drives into the country to see the sites. One day we were on a drive and I was ooing and ahhing over the cute cows. My Dad asks, "you know what comes from a cow don't you?" I said "yeah dad, milk." He then said "do you know that only that brown cows make chocolate milk?" I was probably 10 before I figured out he was joking. I have now passed this on to my kids...ahh traditions!!

Amy S.
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My Dad had always told my sister and I to drink our milk because it will put hair on our chests!! Is it any wonder
that I am 35 and don't like milk?!

Amy S.
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My 6 year old sister believes that cows pee milk and I asked her why she thinks that, and she says
'Duh, where else would it come from?'

avery and zoey
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My Grandmother would always tell us not to drink milk and eat cherries, or else we would get bad stomach aches. It wasn't until I was well into my 20s that I discovered Cherry Garcia ice cream (sorry, Nana), but to this day, I find it hard to each a cherry and drink milk.

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When I was in the second grade, I used to believe that if you drank white milk, your skin would turn white but if you drank chocolate milk, your skin would turn dark. Lol... I still laugh about that!

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I was visiting a friend of my cousin's when I was about 3 or 4. We were having lunch and the girl's mother asked if I wanted milk. I said yes. She asked if I minded skim milk. I politely said yes. She poured it and set the carton in front of me. The carton featured an outline of a slender woman. This image, and the fact that skim milk looks different, convinced me she said SKIN milk. I had a very hard time drinking it.

Charmless Man
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My twin cousins were 4 when a realtive told them milk was bad for them as a result they wouldn't drink it until the day their mom said it wasn't milk it was moo juice.

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when i was six i belived that cows milk was their urine

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When I was growing up in the early 50's, we lived in a neighborhood with a huge variety of ethnic peoples. I had always thought that the only way I could get chocolate milk was to go to the neighbor's house. Mrs. Evans always gave us chocolate milk and cookies. They were African-americans!

Kat in the Smokies
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My Mom would yell if I left the milk out because when it got "warm" it would go bad. I used to wonder why the milk in my tummy didn't go bad, since I was much warmer than the refrigerator!

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My mom used to tell me that if I didn't drink 5 glasses of milk a day, my bones would fall apart while I was sleeping, so every day, even though i hated milk, i made sure to drink 5 glasses of milk! Damn u mom, lol! J/k

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I used to believe that milk was cow pee

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I was probably about 4 and we went to visit family in another part of the country. My older cousin and I went to the shop to buy milk. She took a bottle from the fridge and I just went crazy, repeating "it's the wrong kind of milk!" over and over. She refused to listen to me and I started crying. We got back and I complained because she bought the wrong milk. My mom and aunt just smiled. Because it was just from a different dairy, that's why the container and sticker looked different to me. I used to think that there were different kinds !!! (nowadays there is ofcourse :) Low fat, 2% full cream, long life etc etc :)

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When I was little my mum was telling my sister not to drink. Well I didn't know what alcohol was so I went and got her some milk. They burst out in laughter as I was confused as heck!

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When I was little, I asked my mom how ice cream was made. She told me that it was made by putting a cow in a big freezer. She also told me that chocolate milk came from brown cows, regular milk came from white cows, and strawberry milk came from pink cows.

I believed this until I was 12 years old, because people at school laughed at me when I told them how ice cream was made.

TB Samurai
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My mate Fawce used to go to his Grans for tea, but the milk always tasted funny to him (it was that stuff from a tin). His Dad told him it was Bull's milk and he believed it and always asked his Gran for Bull's milk in his tea, until he was about 18 and he told the story in the pub - he then realised that bull's milk could be also called sperm.

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