i used to believe

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When my son was about 4 he LOVED hot dogs. He ate them for almost every meal and snack. Until one day my husbands younger cousin told him that if you eat hot dogs you poop worms. I took him about 7 years before he would eat another hot dog.

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i remember thinking that scrambled eggs were actually baby chicks that had been chopped up and stirred to be scrambled eggs (they were the same color!). I couldn't figure out how chickens could sometimes hatch eggs that were food, and sometimes hatch eggs that were chicks.

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I was told that eating raw sugar would give me pinworms. Ugh. What a gross thought...

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i thought ground beef in the meat market was nothing but a pile of worms

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I loved baloney sandwiches. I ate them all of the time. One day at my grandmothers house, I asked her to make me one. I guess my older brother was feeling devious that day, so he whispered "Baloney comes from the skin of dead people. You know grandpa is dead, where do you think she's getting that baloney?"

I freaked out and ran from the sandwich when she brought it out.

No baloney!
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I used to think that sno-cones were made of snow, so my friends and I would "make" our own by scooping snow off the street and eating it (and the worst part is, it was New York City snow... not exactly the best snow for eating).

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My Dad used to tell me that Spam was boiled badger. To this day I haven't worked out what it actually is (and I'm 25!), so Boiled Badger is as good a guess as anything!

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I used to believe that cat-food was food for people. I called it choco-bits because it was brown. :-)

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i use to beleive that horseraddish came from horses shoes

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when i was in kinder garden i had watermelon scented erasers.i never could figure out why they always smelled like candy.i thought at first they were becuase i had never seen them before.so one day i ate one!i quickly learned that erasers and candy are completely different things.

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Up until i was 14 i truly beleived that cooking chocolate had a laxative effect unless it had been cooked for adding to cakes.

Dean J Mitchell
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I remember when my parents told me that McDonalds used nightcrawlers (worms) to make the meat they used for hamburgers. I believed it totally but for some reason it didn't stop me from eating their Big Mac's. I remember whenever I would bite into it, I would look and examine the meat in the hamburger I was eating.
Even though I was grossed out by the thought of ground up worms in my hamburger patty, I think the good taste prevailed.

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When I was little, I started to question the tiny, bug-sized dough bubbles in the take-out pizza I ate (if you don't know what I'm talking about, it's the bumpy area under the sauce and cheese). That led me to believe that there were little creatures (bugs or something) baked into the dough. I didn't touch pizza for a while.

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A friend of mine brought her own lunch food to school. At the time, I ordered from the cafeteria and had heard all sorts of stories about bugs and maggots in food, so I usually tried to get my friend to share her food with me, to save me from having to eat aliens-disguised-as-chicken or what-not.

In reply, she told me that whatever fruits she had were 'from the tree of knowledge' and bad things would happen to those who ate them without permission. I had heard similar stories from my church-going relatives and believed her.

For quite awhile I wouldn't eat dried fruit, and I refused to believe that the real Biblical fruit was apples, which I loved at the time.

I also believed the bread in her sandwhiches was made with woodchips.

Food, glorious food!
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When I was younger my sister beleived anything and everything so one day I asked her if she knew about the dogs that didn't have tails she was like yeah why do you care so I told her that those were what hot dogs were made of she doesnt eat them to this day.

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My friends family took me to a farm/vacation place with them and kids were allowed to go into the chicken coop to get eggs. Only, I saw one laying an egg and thought that eggs were actually chicken poop, and I wouldnt eat eggs for almost a year after that.

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My sister bought a section of natural sugar cane at a specialty grocery store. I expected to take a bite out of it and it would be crunchy and taste like sugar cubes...it was gross.

Sugar Girlie
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When at the Fair one time, my husband asked our daughter, age five, if she would like an elephant ear. (A large fried pastry, sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon). She was quite upset about the idea of eating an elephant's ear and now at age 21 still isn't crazy about them.

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When I was about 12ish, I was looking at the tapioca pudding in the grocery store and I asked my mother what the little round beads were. She seriously replied 'fish eyes.' I had never had tapioca pudding, and even though I knew she was kidding, I can't bear to try it. I'm 26.

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When i was around 5 i used to eat tuna sandwitches but i wouldnt eat fish. when i found out tuna WAS fish i stopped eating it all together. i still dont eat fish. but i miss tuna sandwitches even though the thought of eating it is absolutley repulsive.

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