i used to believe

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When i wuz about 6 or 7 ears old, my mom made me believe that if i ate one potato chip then i would immediatly start throwing up and i had to pray to od and all my ancestors in PIG LATIN?!!! I sooon realized that i lost lie 5 poundz for not eating chipz . . so thankz mom!

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When I was younger I used to think that cooked mushrooms were chopped up slugs. Now I realise that they merely taste like them.

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When I was little, my older sister would tell my twin sister and I that when people made hotdogs, they just took a meat grinder, put it in an alley and took the remains of all dead animals and stuffed them in. She also said that rats and raccoons would come down the alley way and crawl into the blenders and the hotdog making people would leave them in. She doesn't remember telling us, but I think she was just trying to get us to stop eating meat because she's a vegetarian herself. We still ate hotdogs after she told us though...

Vanessa G.
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My older brother used to tell me that the people who make fortune cookies spit in them just to scare me into giving my cookie to him and grossing me out when he ate it......and it worked

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i used to think tabasco sauce was tobacco so i'd always be like "mom! dont put that in our food!!"

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I wouldn't ever eat bananas that were bruised. I believed that while the bananas were growing in the jungle, monkeys would open them up, take a bite, and then put them back on the tree. I called these bruises monkey spots, and i still refuse to eat a bruised banana.

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I used to believe that if you ate too much escargots(snails)you will become very slow at things and the snot when you sneeze will become very slimey.

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I used to think that if I ate sugar out of the sugarbowl I would get worms in my stomach.

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I used to think for a very long time, that spam was left over animal parts with salt.

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When i was about 8 or so my sisters would tell make stories up and I was so gullible. One day my dad came home with box of fig neutons and my sisters didn't want to share with me so they told me that the stuff inside of fig neutons was made out of worms and ever since I haven't eaten them.

Ashley M
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top belief!

I thought that eating chicken gave me muscles (chicken and muscles sound the same in Mandarin).

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Wheni was little i thought that broccoli was little trees that my parents cut down fromthe back yard and then cooked them and forced us to eat it

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When I was in grade one, up the back of the class there was a bucket of dry dog food. Me and a couple of friends were talking about it, and they told me that if you ate a peice of dog food you became a dog! I was too afraid to do it. I wish I'd done it now, though.

Kate from Australia
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When I was little my mother told me that the chocolate sprinkles you put on ice-cream were ants.

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when I was about 3 my uncle used to tell me McDolnald's chicken nuguets were mad from kids that had blue eyes blonde hair and pale skin that I happend to have. I used to believe it.

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When I was a little girl, my dad told me when we were at a Greek restaurant that gyros was made from dog meat. I spat out the gyros in my mouth and ran to the bathroom to wash out my mouth. He had to send my mom in to convince me it was a joke.

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When my siblings and i were young and my mother made us breakfast, she always took the burnt toast, since none of us would eat it. I believed that she actually liked burnt toast until I was about ten-ish and burnt my own toast. When I buttered it and gave it to her, thinking I was sooo sweet, she was quite offended and I realized how wrong I was.

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Once when I was younger, there was an episode of "Growing Pains" where Mike brought his girlfriend over for dinner and they were eating sausages. She said she couldn't eat the sausage because there were pig veins in them. I just got this terrible picture of blue veins in my hotdog...
To this day, I can't eat sausages.

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I can't eat hot dogs ever since my sister looked at the end of one & told me it looked like a cat's butt.

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My dad used to tell us that Twinkies made you have to use the bathroom - so we always ate them in great moderation.

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