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I used to think that if i ate watermelon seeds they would grow out of my ears.

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I used to beleive that if you ate a black watermelon seed a tree would grow in your stomach

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My cousins told me that if you eat the white part of the watermelon rind it will poison you... for years I left a respectful inch of the good stuff above the rind... though I was eventually disabused of the notion.

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I used to think that watermelon seeds would blow your stomache up if you ate one,and one time I did .I thought I was going to blow up until my mom,and dad explained to me.

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In primary school, a whole bunch of kids including me believed that watermelon seeds contained ants.

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When I was about 4 or 5 I stayed with my grandparents a lot during the summer. One afternoon we were eating watermelon and I swallowed a seed. I told my grandmother and she quickly covered my mouth with her hand and told me not to open my mouth while I was outside because all that sun would grow a watermelon in my belly. I kept my mouth shut for a while after that!

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I used to believe that if you swallowed watermelon seeds, they would dance around in your stomach at night.

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When I was a child, my father told me that if I swallowed a watermelon seed, I would be pregnant. Later that year, my aunt was pregnant and I told her she shouldn't have swallowed that seed. Everyone laughed, except me. I didn't see what was so funny.

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My Dad used to tell me that if I ever swallowed a watermelon seed, a watermelon would grow in my stomach. So whenever I ate watermelon I would stand near the trashcan and pick out the seeds.

Watermelon Belly
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My dad used to tell my sister and I that if we swallowed a watermelon seed we would become pregnant lol We actually believed it.

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i used to think if you ate a watermelon seed then after a while you'd become a watermelon

olga british-girlyman
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When I was a little kid, I used to believe that when I ate watermelon and if I ate the seeds than I would grow a watermelon in my tummy. I would carefully tried not to eat the seeds.

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I was 7 and was staying with my aunt in the country. She grew some vegetables there - cucumbers, pea. Once my uncle brought a watermelon from the market and put it among the cucumbers in the garden. I woke up in the morning and was really surprised to discover that a watermelon had grown in our garden overnight. but lol, I used to believe that up to the age of 12 or so, until my mother put me straight.

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I used to believe, that a watermelon seed could somehow get stuck in my ear and grow there and it could become so big that it will damage my head. I never eat watermelons.

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My parents used to tell me that if you ate the black seeds from watermelon you would turn into a big black dog.

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When I was a little girl, whenever I ate a watermelon I was always told by my cousin not to swallow the black seeds because it would grow into a baby in my stomach. So, for the longest time I believed this and spit every seed out diligently for fear of getting a big belly and having a baby.

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My cousins used to tell me if you ate watermelon seed and then drank water straight after you would grow a watermelon tree in your stomach. After that i picked all the seeds out when i ate watermelons.

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I used to believe that if I swallowed watermelon seeds, I would get pregnant

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When I was younger I used to believe that if I swallowed watermelon seeds that I would get pregnant. So for the longest time I was afraid to eat watermelon. I owe this to my siblings. Now I know better.

Tiffany B.
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When I was little, my stepmother told me that if I ate a watermelon seen, I would grow a big fat watermelon in may tummy and I would get really sick. Well, I had a watermelon eating contest and tried very hard not to eat any, but then I started to feel sick because I thought I ate one and so it had me scared to death!!

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