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I used to beleve that if you took off your wedding ring you would be divorced!lol wierd i know

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When I was really young, I didn't realize that the kind of love that married couples had for each other was different than how people feel towards their parents or siblings, so I thought it would be perfectly fine and normal for closely-related family members to get married. When I was around four, I decided that my Barbie doll wanted to marry her dad, and when I told my mom, she told me that people couldn't do that. But I couldn't understand why.

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I thought when you get married you have to fill out a form to get a baby and then you get one.

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When I asked my dad where he met my mum, he told me he went to a shop and chose her. For years I thought when I was old enough I could go to a Wife Shop and pick out who I wanted.

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when I was young,I used to believe that the young ones themselves come after two years of mariage.

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My grandparents all divorced before I was born, so I never actually encountered married elderly people. I came to the conclusion that marriage hadn't been invented yet back then, like colour television or computers.

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When I was little I thought that only married people died, so I said to my mother that I would never get married.

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When a man proposes,he gives her a ring. So I used to think that the bride gives the ring to the man so he can put it on her finger when they get married.

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When my mom explained to me that the bridal shower is whan the bride is "showered" with gifts, I took it literally. I imagined it would be quite painful for the bride to have a bunch of heavy packages dropped upon her and that her gown would probably get ripped and she'd get all bruised up. I wondered why they didn't just hand the gifts to her, but then I figured this was the kinda of thing they meant they said "There's no such thing as a free lunch."

Alex H.
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I used to believe that when women got married, a random man off the street would suddenly propose to her. I asked my mom about that and she said that was right and sometimes the man would even get down on his knee! I found that stupid and was disgusted. I vowed to never get married, and I think that vow will last, but for different reasons, of course...

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I used to think that at weddings, the preist would say, "Do you take this woman to be your awfully wedded wife?"

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I thought the moment you get married, you become a mommy and daddy. I just figured you had your baby whenever you wanted....

Miss Informed
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When I was little, I saw a movie where two people went up to a glass wall in a hospital and pointed to a baby and said, "Look! That's our baby!" I thought this meant that people laid out babies in hospitals attached to churches, and after people got married they'd go and pick out their baby next door.

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When I was little i thought at weddings a crowd of people would stand outside of a church building and ask another random person to marry them. Then I supposed the best couple would be elected to get married. I have no idea how i came up with this...

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hen i was young and far from the concept of babies, i arrived at my own conclusion and even explained to my mom -" in my opinion there must be something in the wedding neckband(in hindu culture we use the neckband instead of the ring) which actually causes the woman to bear babies. otherwise why on earth would women become pregnant only after they are married ".
my mom just laughed diminishing my enthusiasm to publish my findings!

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I asked my Mum what a honeymoon was for. She said it was so the bride and groom could get to know each other. I therefore thought that when you got married the couple didn't know each other.

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I thought that when someone got married, everybody in the world got an invatation, but all the invatations we got were people we knew. I thoguht that all the people who had weddings were married before i was born and that When we heard that our family's friend's cousing was getting married, i wondered why we weren't going

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I thought that children were not allowed to go to baby showers or wedding showers because it was an adults only event where they literally took showers together.

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when i was young i believed that after ppl got married in some time a baby appeared out of
nowhere for them to keep.

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When I was about 4, my mum informed me that when women get married they have to change their names. Obviously she didn't explan very well and I went round for weeks telling people "When I get married my name is going to be Sarah so you had better remember it!"

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