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When I was little and asked my mom what adultery was, she said it meant that a grownup ran away from home. So, for the longest time, I thought that parents who ran away together, abandoning their kids, were committing adultery.

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i used to believe all girls were really princesses and one day our prince would come and marry us. i wish it was that easy because real love stories dont have happy endings because real love doesnt end.

Lisa Graham
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I used to think that couples shared their first kiss when the priest said "You may kiss the bride". It was weird because I had seen several movies where people had kissed and weren't married.

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For several years after I first heard the term "bridal shower", I envisioned that it meant putting a bride, in her bridal gown, in the shower and turning the water on until she was soaked. I supposed she would be lucky if her gown completely dried out in time for the wedding.

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when i was 5, i thought that you got to choose what your wedding cake was made of even though all the weddings i went to had cakes made of bread-stuff.i pretended to marry an invisible boy with a bunch of piled up cheese-its as a cake.

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I used to beleive that it was illegal for a black person and a white person to get married, up until 1st grade when I saw a sing-a-long video in Music class and the hosts were a white woman and a black man, so I assumed they were married. When I went home I said to my mom "Today in school we saw a movie where a white woman and a black man were married. Isn't that illegal?" My mother then told me that that's perfectly legal.

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When I will little I used to believe that when you got married, you signed a contract to order a baby! LOL

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In 1980, my uncle got remarried to a Jewish woman. Our side of the family was Catholic, and hers was Jewish. They had a really hard time finding a Priest or Rabbi to marry them.

They finally found a Rabbi who would perform the ceremony.

My youngest cousin asked me what to call the man wearing the cap. I told her to call him Rabbi.

She called him "Father Rabbi" all day. Thank God, he got a kick out of it!

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When I was little, I used to think that you had to get married to live together. My cousin (who was my best friend) and I decided we wanted to get married, because after all how much fun would it be to be able to hang out all the time?

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I used to like rummaging through my mother's jewelry box and trying on her pretty rings. One day, when I was nine, I slipped on a ring with a large ruby that I had never seen before. When my mother saw me with it on, she yelled at me to put it back and not to go through her things. Since she never minded when I tried on her jewelry before, my overactive imagination decided that my mother was having an affair and that her "boyfriend" had given her the ring. I even drew up a list of possible male friends that she could be having an affair with, and snooped around to see if I could catch my mother with her "boyfriend." Years later, I told her all about it. She laughed very hard until she told me that the ring had been a present from my father, and as it was much more expensive than any of her other rings, she hadn't wanted me to play with it.

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I used to believe (er, forget?) that people were born and died, so I always thought it was really hard to find someone to marry, because everyone got used up so fast!

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I once believed that when couples got married, they decided together on a last name that described them somehow, and passed it on to their children. The belief was logical for me. It so happened that my grandmother on my father's side, whose last name was Foote, had a deformed foot. On my mother's side, my great-grandmother who loved to cook did indeed have the last name of Cook... it just worked out that way in my family, and I thought it was that way in all families.

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When I was younger I dont know exactly how old probaly about 5 or so I thought that you could only arry someone if you had the same colored hair as them. My dad and my brothers mother had the same color hair and they were married and my mom and my sisters dad had the same colored hair and they were married and my parents had different colored hair and they werent married so i cam to the conclusion somehow that you could only marry if you had the same colored hair. I remember having crushes on guys but i couldnt have them as my boyfriend because they didnt have blonde hair and i wanted to get married. I dont know how i cam up with that but i tiod my mom about it tonight and she laughed so hard.

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My grandparents all divorced before I was born, so growing up I had four separate grandparents, never sets of grandparents. When I was older, I figured out the answer... marriage hadn't been invented yet back then. I knew that people made do before things like cars and televisions were invented, so it only made SENSE to me that my grandparents had kids before marriage had been invented! And why did OTHER kids have married grandparents? They'd all gotten married after it was invented... you know, they just sort of jumped on the bandwagon.

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When I was a kid I often heard my father refer to so-and-so "shacking up" with someone. In my mind (as I deduced from his tone of voice that this was a bad thing) that it meant that these people had done something bad and had to go live in one of those squatty little tar paper shacks that I'd see along the side of the road sometimes.

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I used to hear the word "divorced" and i thought everyone was saying "de-horsed" and that in order for a married couple to split, they had to ride around on a horse and fall off and then they weren't married anymore.

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I used to believe that as soon as a couple was married they got a baby when they were done walking down the aisle. I also used to think they got to choose the gender of the kid too.

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I used to think that only people who looked alike could get married. IE: a boy with black hair could only marry a girl if she had the same color hair... so weird.

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I used to think that I had to marry all the older guys I met so whenever my parents had guy friends over I would ask them to marry me. All of them said yes too! ^_^

k e l l i x3
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Until I was 15, I believed that gay marriage was legal and that the only reason my uncles didn't get married was because, if they did, the government would make them adopt a baby.

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