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when i was 9 or 10 my older sister decided it would be cool if she organized a wedding for my younger brother and i. we sent out fancy invitations to all the neighbors, had a veil made out of lacy tablecloth, and two gorgeous wedding rings made out of aluminium foil. i don't think we really got married though, as my brother refused to kiss me (and good thing, too!).

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Get this Dorks, I used to believe that you had to marry your brother. When I was little my brother was being mean to me and I said," I'm not going to marry u I'm going to marry Brian(My other brother)!!!!

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I used to believe that the bridesgroom was the room at the back of the church where the bride got ready. The groomsmen got her ready, ie. groomed her.

Dallas Kid
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I used to beleive that when newly weds went on their honeymoon i believed they were actually going to the moon to eat honey!!!!!

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I used to believe that when a couple weds, they get their child as a present from the parson. I always wondered why there were married couples who had more than one child or none at all....

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As a young kid, I knew that a prince was the son of the king and queen. So I therefore deduced that Prince Philip must be the Queen's son. When I later learned that he was actually her husband, I then deduced that she'd married her son. I thought there was nothing stange about this, though - I guess the Oedipus story would've gone right over my head, in that case!

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I use to believe that when you get married, you need the same colour hair. I believed this for quite awhile until I remembered a friend and his parent's had different colour hair.

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I grew up in NY. I remember overhearing my mother saying she and my Dad got married in Dobbs Ferry{MD}. I therafter would tell my friends my parents were married on a ferry boat! Sounded pretty exciting to me! It was several years later that I realized they had eloped and drove to Dobbs Ferry, Maryland to be married by a justice of the peace. Back then Maryland didn't require a blood test so lot's of applicants would flock there for quickie marriages.

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I was about 6ish, sitting in (Catholic) church, listening to an Old Testament reading where I swore it implied that is was okay for a married couple to have one “affair,” but after that, no more. That’s not all – I then believed that an “affair” was when your parents argued amongst each other. Imagine my surprise on hearing what “affair” really meant and the Church's true feelings on this subject.

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When I was little I used to think that a golden retriever was a type of person involved in a wedding - like a ringbearer, best man, maid of honor, etc. The reason why I believed this was because I had seen a Charlie Brown TV special in which Snoopy the dog was getting married (to another dog). In the show, Snoopy ends up not getting married because the bride ran off with a golden retriever (a guest at the wedding). I just interpreted it as the bride running off with the best man or something like that. I believed this one until I was about 8.

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When i was in about 2nd grade i thought that since my parents were named Ann and Larry that everyone, when they got married, changed their name to be Ann and Larry.

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I believed that if/when a married person removed their wedding band it meant that they were then divorced. I shed so many tears when my mom took off her band to do the dishes one day! It took awhile for her to get to the bottom of the tears, but we sorted it out. Whew!

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I used to belive that you couldn't get married to someone you knew, because cousins and siblings couldn't marry, and the groom couldn't see the bride before the wedding.

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When I was young, around 5 yrs or so, I was sure that a woman's name would change to "Mary" because I had heard a woman changes her name when she gets married, and well, getting "MARYed" was what it was all about!!
I remembered loudly arguing this fact with several wedding guests while attending cousin's reception, screaming, "her name is NOT Cindy any more, it's MARY!!"

French Cori
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My parents happen to have the same birthday. All through elementary school, I thought you could only marry someone who had the same birthday as you. I was crushed when I discovered the boy I liked in fifth grade didn't have the same birthday as me!

Deb L
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When I was 2 or 3 years old I was informed that one day I would have to marry a boy--well I was already into my "boys have chooties" phase and was horrified (exactly the response my family was looking for). Being independent and determined to find a solution I wandered off to think this through. About an hour later I reappeared and delcared that I knew who I would marry....my brother, 'cause he was the best boy I knew. No one bothered to explain why they were all laughing....

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My cousin used to believe that honeymoon was actually a country. So when newlyweds went on their honeymoon, they would go to this same country.

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When I was at primary school I used to believe you could only marry someone who was the same height as you!

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i used to believe that in the wedding vows you were loathelly married, i couldn't figure out why to people who hated each other would wantto spend there lives together

nicola m
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I didn't know that when you got married on tv, that you weren't actually married. I always thought that the actors were confusing God terribly because how was he supposed to know that it was all pretend.

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