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As a kid I believed that "HONEYMOON" is the name of a country where married people go. I tried searching for a place named "HONEYMOON" in my atlas book and even though I could not find it I thought the place was so beautiful that it was kept a secret until you get married. I used to write "HONEMOON" under the letter "H" while playing (Name, Place, Animal, Thing.)I also believed that this place was famous because the "moon" must look more beautiful from there and the country was really prosperous because you could find "honey" in abundance over there.

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When I was about 7 years of age, I attended my cousins wedding. After the wedding, at the reception, an announcement was made to 'toast' the bride and groom. Being a hungry kid, for hours afterwards and then for a further few years, I often wondered what happened to the plates of 'hot buttered toast' that I assumed accompanied the 'toasting' of the newly wed couple!!!!!

Marlon Hall (London UK)
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I thought that people who got divorced would eventually marry each other again.

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Going to church as a child and hearing the vicar reading the banns of marriage for the first, second, and third time of asking, I used to believe that the vicar chose a man and a woman completely at random, and asked them three times if they would get married. If they refused, the vicar would give up and ask other people instead.

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i used to believe confetti and graffiti were the same thing. I had pictures in my mind of couples leaving the church after getting married only to be sprayed in paint!

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I used to believe that if a woman saw any man naked, apart from her husband, she would have the urge to cut their penis off.

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When peole would say they are going on a 'honeymoon' i used to think that they were going on holiday in a hot air ballon!

Tania Sturt
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I used to beleive that when you turned 18, you were sent a letter inviting you to a big hall and were given a number to bring along. When you got there, the boys had to line up on one side and the girls on the other. You then had to find the matching number from the other side and that is who you married. I remember being worried incase i wouldn't like the person i got matched up with when it was my turn.

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After people got married, I believed they went to the moon for their holiday. I was quite putout (at the age of 10) that my family laughed - why else would it be called a honeymoon?

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I used to think that, in the monarchy, brothers and sisters had to get married to make a King and Queen. I was wonderfully unaware of the word 'incest'.

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I used to think when you married you had babies immediately!

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i used to believe, that if you were married you were a mum and dad

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As a child, I thought that when people got married after a while they had children.. but that it was pure luck! Some people had one, some had four or five and some none at all, and that they had no say in the matter at all! I remember when my mother and her friends talked of someone having yet another baby, and so soon after the first one, I would ask "but it's not her fault, what can she do about it" and my mother would give me a dirty look meaning "Keep quiet!" I never wondered where the babies actually came from or how they were born. It was just so clear.. you got married and then waited to see what you were given!

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There was a legend in the neighborhood that if actors were in a wedding in a TV show, that meant that they really got married... unless they didn't kiss. A wedding doesn't count if you don't kiss, and it was alleged, quite falsely, that "you never see people in TV weddings kiss, so that it won't count."

I have to admit that I didn't actually believe this myself. There seemed to be something fishy about it. But I did think it might be exchanging rings that was what made it REALLY count...

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When reading the captions on wedding pictures in local newspapers and it said, for example, "Jon Smith and Jane Jones, both from Avenue Road married at....." that they lived next door to each other. I was amazed by how many neighbours got married.

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I believed that when you got married (the wife) you didn't have to work. Boy, was I fooled. ha ha ha

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This started when a friend told me about Purgatory.
You know how there is "A match made in heaven" and sometimes "A match made in hell"?
Well, My next door neighbors were very boring, and I always used to call them "A match made in Purgatory"!

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I once told my mother when I was 4 years old that I was going to marry my 4 year old 'boyfriend', Mikey and that our children would be named Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia. When she told me we were too young, I said "No, we're not! I already know all the cuss words!" We later held a secret ceremony in the woods behind our houses that involved peeing on a turtle and an ant hill. If only more weddings involed peeing on turtles...

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I used to belive that when you got married the bride and groom told the pastor how many kids they wanted and he would give them a seed (like a plant seed)for each kid.

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I used to think that mere marrying will lead to child birth,till i was 10.

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