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I used to believe when I was seven that I would one day marry Macauley Culkin and even acted out the wedding with my best friend Robyn pretending to be Macauley - it goes without saying that we didn't share the man and wife kiss at the end: that would have been too weird!

Erin Jones
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My son and I were in a friend's bridal party when he was a few months shy of his third birthday - his job was to walk the flower girl, Nicole, down the aisle. About six months later, we were watching a movie when a wedding scene came on - he pointed to the TV and said, "Look Mommy! That looks just like when I married Nicole!".

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My sister (again) when she was 5 thought that the man had to be fat and the woman skinny when they got married. This was because all the wed couples she had seen fitted this category. So when she saw one couple were the reverse was true (woman fat, man skinny) she thought that the mariiage would probably fail.

And when I wrote this, she corrected "fat is spelled 'phat'". Oh my, the gangsta generation.

Brother to Natascha
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When I was around 5, I heard my mom talking about going to a bridal shower with some other ladies, and I was picturing all these women in the shower together!! I was quite disturbed and was glad I wasn't going.

Missy Rae
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I used to believe that when you wanted to get married, you would put on your tux, and walk around until you found a woman in a wedding dress, and then you'd be married.

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I used to think that once you get married life would be happy ever after, and that Prince Charming really did exist.

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I used to believe you had to marry your siblings when you grew up.

Cade Whitbourn
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My parents were both twenty when they got married. I thought for sure that I would be married when I was twenty, and that all nice people were.

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When I was little, I was watching a television show in which the teenage
daughter was pregnant. I remember thinking, "That's stupid, you can't be
pregnant if you aren't married!" My parents, of course, had told me that
being married was a prerequisite of having children, and I took that

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i used to think that it was a law that people with the same color hair had to get married to in order to ensure that their children had the right color hair. this was corroborated that both i and my parents have dark brown hair. i was very confused when a friend of mine had dark hair but his mother was a blonde.

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Sis and I used to dress up and play 'wedding ceremony' when we were little girls. My mother told us that one time, we came down the hall singing 'dun-dun-de-dun' and both (BOTH!) dressed up as the bride and each carrying a baby. When she asked us how in blurry heck we could already be carrying babies (let alone both of us being brides), I spoke up and told her I knew how to get a baby. Horrified, my mother asked, "How?" and I blurted right out that "You go to the hospital and lay down on the table and scream really good. If you scream good enough the doctor will go down the hall and bring you a baby."

day lee
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At the age of 5, I was chosed to be the flower girl for my Aunt Margaret. I was very concerned the night of the Wedding Rehearsal... when I heard the Pastor talk about "biting love".

I wanted to get my dear Aunt out of there, and away from that bad man that was telling her husband-to-be to bite her!!!

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Once when I was 2 my mom and dad were going to attend a wedding (and leave me and my sister with a babysitter.) I thought they were going to their OWN wedding, and for years and years after that I thought that was when they had gotten married.

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i used to believe that when a couple got married they had sex as they were standing there saying thier vows oops

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I read a book once, as a kid, in which someone who was marrying someone else said "he's dark-haired and I'm blonde. Admirable". As a result, I thought that this was the best possible arrangement, while marriages in which both parties were blonde or brunette were somehow inferior, and marriages between blonde men and brunette women were perfectly impossible.

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I used to believe that everyone involved in a marriage was "the bride", and that as long as you were present, you could be called "the bride". Eventually I understood that men were called something else, and they were called "Brooms". I was dumb.

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as a small child in the sixties, I used to believe that it was the law that women had to have their hair cut and permed when they got married.

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When I was little I thought that when you got married, you had to marry your brother or sister. If you didnt have any brothers or sisters you couldnt get married.

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...that marriages were consumated in the back of the church after the wedding in some sort of closet. I knew in involved being naked but not much else. I thought marriage would be nice except for being naked in front of a girl.

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i used to believe that if you married someone older than you they would die before you

anna k
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