i used to believe

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top belief!

When I was young, I got very angry at my older brother for something I can't remember. I was so angry that I went to my mom and said "DO I REALLY HAVE TO MARRY HIM!?" thinking that you're supposed to marry your sibling, I thought that's why my mom's last name was the same as my dad's..

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I thought that you could randomly decide who you wanted to marry, at any age. Apparently my friend from preschool thought this too-- I remember proposing to him and he said YES!

what sillies we were back then!

the bride
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top belief!

When I was little I was a flowergirl for my uncle's wedding. They were getting married outside and it was just a little windy so the first flower petal I threw down landed right in the bushes. I spent a panicy minute trying to get it out quickly thinking that the bride had to step dirrectly on every flower because she didn't know where she was going.

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I used to think that it was against the law to marry anyone who didn't look like you. I think I thought that because the kids always looked like the parents and no-one would know who you were if your parents didn't look alike. Thank God it's not like that!

Ally Kat
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top belief!

I belived that when someone wanted a divorce, they would dress up in black clothing and walk down the aisle again. Like, an opposite wedding. I made my barbies do it before i would remarry them to someone else.

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When I was little, I asked my mother how people found their spouses, and she told me that, when women wanted to get married, they went out and looked for a husband. (This is how I remember her explanation, at any rate. In reality, it was probably not this simplistic.) Anyway, for several years, the image in my mind of what it looked like when people decided to get married was a woman walking down the street calling, "Who wants to marry me?" It was always the same street, too--this place by the train station where we used to pick my dad up from work.

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My parents had their house built when they got together. Based on this, I thought that everyone's parents had built the house they lived in when they got married. I thought that when people died, their house was torn down so that a married couple could build their own house there.

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top belief!

I used to think that at a wedding shower, all the women would dump presents on the bride's head. Why else would they call it a shower?

Dave Z
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top belief!

I thought that you actually went to the moon on your honeymoon.

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As a child, I thought mannequins in department stores were actual people. I asked my mother if she'd go shopping for a husband with me when I was older, so I could pick one out. She declined, and ultimately did not meet my husband in a department store.

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I used to believe that a divorce was a ceremony, like the opposite of a wedding. Your family and friends would attend, wearing black. The bride and groom would walk down the aisle together at the beginning of the ceremony, an officiant would declare them divorced, and they would leave separately.

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top belief!

I have always loved animals. As all small children do, I only knew about one kind of love, like the way you love your mother. I really didn't understand the attraction part and that your spouse is a different kind of love then your parents. So, naturally, I wanted to marry my dog. He was a boy, after all. I convinced my best friend to marry him, too, so we could be realated!

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I always thought that it was "Afully Wedded Wife" Not "lawfully wedded wife"

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When I was about eight years old, a friend of mine believed that once a princess became married, she would immediately become queen. Because of this (and the notion that queens are washed-up old fogies who never do anything cool), she would never get 'married' while playing pretend.

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top belief!

After watching too much English tv, I used to believe that only men named James could get married. When I realised there were hardly any men named James in Belgium (where I live) I cried for days thinking I'd never find a husband unless I moved to England.

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i lost interest in marriage when i learned NASA didn't organize little vacations on the moon for honeymooners.

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When I was about 4 or 5 I believed that you could date as many people as you wanted at a time and be in love with all of them and then you would choose one of them to marry.

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As a child, I was surrounded by fairytales about princesses who grew up and got married, and at some point I decided that ONLY princesses got married. So I thought my mother had been a princess when she was younger, but had become a teacher after she married Dad because she liked it more.

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when i was litttle i used to believe that married people were brothers and sisters cuz brothers and sisters have the same last name too.

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My parents have the same middle name (thou spelled different) so when i was little I believed that when a man and woman got married the woman took both the middle and last name of the man.

Jennifer S
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