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You can be literally anything you want - animal, vegetable or mineral

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When I was very little (about 5) I believed with every fibre of my being that at the age ten you could turn into any animal of your choosing. I guess by ten I knew it wasn't really true but the let down was incredible.

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When I was around 5, I thought that we all grew up to be animals. I told my Mom that I was going to be a horse. You see, I believed my Dad when he told me I had horse's blood in me. (Never mind the fact that my parents were grown up and THEY hadn't turned into animals)

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A kid at in the bunk I'm councillor for this summer has told us all many times that when he grows up, he's going to be a trian.

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i used to believe that i could one day become i spider. this is totally true, when i was three i would always say that i wanted to be a spider when i grew up.

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Ok... You know when grown ups say: "You can be anything you want when you grow up" that it only means like a job? Well, my brother took it way too literally. My mom asked my 5 year old brother what he wanted to be, and he said, get this, a "Zoura" from Pokemon. She then looked at me, I was 13 at the time, and she asked what that was. I then spent an hour explaining Pokemon to my parents. And now Pokemon go is out? Oh my...

That guy with a brother that wants to be a zoura.
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When my parents said "You Can Be Whatever You Want When You Grow Up." I thought that I could become the Lion King.

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when i was little i wanted to grow up to be a blue robot, and my brother wanted to be a helicopter.But my sister wanted to be a doctor .( we didnt like her that well)

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I used to believe if you didn't want to have a job, you could be an animal because my dad told me he wanted to be a zebra(he's a geoligist). So I wanted to be a cat and I would walk around like one and wear cat ears all the time. I even had a name-Princess Kitty Cat. Its the name in all my picture books.

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When I was little I thought that when you grew up you could become an animal for your job. I wanted to be a seal.

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When I was young and someone asked me what I wanted to be once I grew up, I'd say "A DOG!"

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"You can be anything you want to be" Well, when I was about 2 or 3 I literally wanted to be a trashtruck. Not the trashperson, the truck. Every Thursday I would run to the window just to watch the trashtruck do its thing. heh

Future trashtruck
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When I was in preschool, in England (at the tender age of four), the teacher was talking to us about what we wanted to be when we grew up. There was the usual- fireman, policeman, etc etc. When it came to my turn, i said "I want to be a pony!" Haha! (As in those ponies from My Little Pony)

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When I was younger, my babysitter told me that I could me anything I wanted to be when I grew up. I was rather attached to anything Disney at the time and desperately wanted to be Snow White or Sleeping Beauty, but definitly Jasmine. My babysitter couldn't convince me otherwise.

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When I was little, my family was talking about cars and my dad asked me what kind of car I wanted when I was older. I said, "I want a cloud car!" (from Care Bears...)

I also wanted to be a mermaid when I grew up.

Still waiting for that cloud car...
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When I was little (around 5 or 6), I went to the circus with my family. I have a little sister, around 4 at the time, who became entranced with the elephant portion of the circus. The next day at her school, the teacher asked everybody what they wanted to be when they grew up, and naturally, my sister said she wanted to be an elephant when she grew up. Right now, she thinks she knows everything because she gets straight A's in school, but it is always a good laugh when you tell her "Yeah, and this is coming from the girl who wants to be an elephant when she grows up."
Sometimes, I think she still wants to be one, and will stop at nothing to make her dream come true.

My sister is an Elephant
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I used to believe that when I was older, What I wanted to be was a big sister. Seeing as my mum has had an operation to prevent that, my dream was shattered. lol. It was a huge shock to find out you cant grow up to BE a sister.

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I actually thought that when I grew up I could be a Genie.

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A friend of mine wanted to be a mermaid when she grew up. The scary thing was she beleived she could becoem a mermaid until she was 13

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I used to want to become a Power Ranger. No lie.

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i wanted to be either an astronaut or a goblin when i grew up

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