i used to believe

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When I was young, I used to think that tollbooth collectors actually kept the money. I used to tell people that I wanted to be a tollbooth collector when I grew up!

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i believed as a child that if you were fired,you were made into a computer.for this reason,i began to have conversations with my own computer.

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I used to think that when you got fired, you got shot. My friend Scott told me his father was fired, and I was quite sad for him. I got the shock of my life when I saw his father walking around perfectly healthy a few days later.

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I used to believe that doctors lived off of medicine until I saw my own doctor at the grocery store buying chicken.

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After I realized I couldn't be another species when I grew up, I decided I would be a ballet and tap dancer. My dad disappointed me when he told me dancers don't make much money, so I was on the hunt for another job.

One day at a baseball game, the hot dog man came around. He was carrying this HUGE wad of cash. One look and apparently my eyes got huge. I KNEW that's what I wanted to be. I'd never have to worry about money. Plus I loved to yell HOOOOTT DOOOGG!

I told everyone about my dream, but I didn't tell them how much money the hot dog man made because I didn't want anyone to steal my job.

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I used to believe adults lived where they worked. I thought the staff room (teachers' lounge) at school was some sort of complex, although the teachers actually slept on their desks. I whole-heartedly believed the minister slept in one of the pews (some had long, mattress-like cushions on them): it seemed ludicrous a building as big as a church would be kept for just an hour a week - something that still baffles me!

Colin T
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When I was young, I desperately wanted to work in the circus when I grew up, as I thought this job was mainly hitting lions with chairs. I believed this until i proudly proclaimed it to my summer camp leader when i was 7, where he rightfully corrected me and told me what people actually did in the circus.

Matt C.
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I used to believe that "I rest my case" was what lawyers said when they put their briefcases down on the table in the courtroom.

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Once I used to believe that a engineer is a person who drives railway engine.

Gaurav Jain
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when i was in kindergarden, all the other little kids liked playing school and house, but I liked playing office. So, I asked my friend to play office with me and she said , "no thats boring!". So i went to my teacher and said, "No one wants to play office with me!" so she said, "I'll play office with you!" and so i was very satasfied. What i didn't know was that we weren't really playing office, I was helping her do work! I felt so used when i found out!

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When I was about six, my cousin told me that a stipper was a dancer, like a ballerina. When ever anyone would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up I would respond with "I want to be a stripper!" Needless to say, they still haven't let me live that one down.

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Yea,there is no doubt that the children think in there own way and perhaps it would have been a better world sometimes if the cids was in charge.I remember one time when i was a smal kid and was going to the town Copenhagen in the neighbour country Denmark.Was sitting there with my father in a sunny summer day and enjoyed my icecream when two wath i thinked realy fine dressed ladys was pasing our bench there we was sitting and looking at people.I told my father wath it probably was some realy rich ladys considering the nice cloths they was having,He laughd and lay one hand on my shoulder and told me that these fine looking ladys was something they caled prostitues.Didnt have a clue in this time to wath this was so i still think they looked realy pritty.Now he is realy old but sometimes we use to laugh at storys like these from the past when he never ever gets tired to hear them!. :)

Ghost Surfer
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i used to believe that doctors and nurses and firemen and policemen - or woman. didn't die and so i set my mind on becoming a nurse when i was older!


well i was about 4 lol lol lol

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This is really my brothers, he used to think plumbers picked pmubs. He got confused because he knew our grandfather had been was a plumber and he always went plumb picking with our Pop to make homemade jam. He was about seven before he figured it out.

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When I was in third grade, I thought my dad was a spy. He used to travel to all these weird places around the world and send post cards telling my brothers and I that he was "fishing."
I finally got sent to the principles office for lying (of course I told everyone he was a spy). Didn't stop me thinking it though.

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It was when I was in about kindergarten. We were to reply to the question 'What do you want to be when you grow up?' I figured that since an artist was someone who did art, than a racist was a race car driver. After I spoke my words proudly, the teachers and my parents, plus a bewildered audiance started cracking up.

insane and lazy, stupid and crazy
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When I was younger, I used to believe that my mom worked as the tooth fairy. I thought that she got gold dollers from the bank, put it under my pillow, and took my tooth and...well I don't know what she would do with teeth, but that is what I thought.

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When I was in first school I started noticing that my friends in fourth year (9 years old, very grown-up!) would vanish over the summer and not be there when I came back in September. I asked one of the classroom helpers where they went; she said they were leaving the school. For another year and a half I believed that once you were nine years old you had to leave school and go to work... in my mind it was never normal office-type work either but something like mining or working in a factory full of smoke. Maybe in Victorian times I would have been almost right.

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when I was little, in preschool I think. we started learning about safty (look both ways, don't talk to strangers ect.). for some reason, I though that saftey was a guy that ran around punishing people who were unsafe.

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When I was about five years old my dad had the chance to be a supervisor at a local Boeing. He declined the offer, and came home and told my mum about this offer he got, but rejected the idea, I heard what he was saying and got mad at him, and said "I wanna be a supervisior", all because I thought you got to wear a special "visor", and that meant you were royalty.

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