i used to believe

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when i was little i used to have this huge fear that my teddy was haunted - it all started from when i had it "stood" up against the wall, and i feel asleep.. with the laws of gravity n all that it fell on me and woke me up and i was terrified, convinced my teddy had it in for me.. i told my dad and said "BIN IT - ITS POSSESSED!!" lol , he never did though, but to this day... i still think theres something strange about that teddy

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When we were small, we had the UNO playing cards where there are two different types of wild cards. We thought that one of them is 'wild' and the other one is 'plim' (that's what it looks like when the card is upside-down).

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When I found out about Pokemon, I thought they started as Bulbasaurs (Pokemon #1), then evolved and turned into Ivysaurs (Pokemon #2), then turned into Venusaurs (#3), then Squirtles (#4), and so on.

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when I was small I thought toys felt neglected if you didn't play with them enough. I even had dreams of dolls who wept from neglect. I felt so guilty that I made it a point to go around my room before bed and put them all in a lying down position as if I were putting them to bed. This nightmare of the neglected dolls even haunted me into adulthood.
I wonder what it really means...

still haunted
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When I was little, like 6 or 7, I use to sleep with every stuffed animal in my bed and they had to have new names every night. If not, they would get mad at me and put poison in my mouth when I was asleep.

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I used to believe as a child that my toys could come alive, like in the movie "Toy Story". So at times, I would leave my room very prominently (so that I could make my toys think I was leaving), then I would sneak back in to catch my toys "being alive". I would also often tell them that it was okay to "be alive" in front of me, and that I knew their secret. I stopped believing this at the age of 7.

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When I was small and when I saw the older kids firing their cap pistols, I thought they were real bullets. I ran in the house and hid until they were through playing "cowboys and Indians".

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when me and my little brother were little we would set up his GI Jo's and leave the room when we came beck they were in a different place everytime then we figured out that our dad was moving them!
......i think

Wroony Balloony
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top belief!

When I was less than 6 years old I played with all my barbies topless. One time my mom asked me why they did not wear shirts. That is when I reminded her that when inquiring about certain anatomy of a doll she told me they were "booby traps". Naturally I assumed these traps were used to catch flies so the Barbie was topless. If a fly landed on her the traps would catch and squish it and this could not work with a shirt on.

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Ok, When I went to bed I had to bring all my dolls and stuffed animals to bed with me and also cover them up with a blanket, cause I would hurt their feelings or they would move their eyes at me and try to scare me or something ..... sketchy

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When I would play with my Barbie's I would sit in my room alone and think that our lives were like Barbie's that some big person was playng with us and making us do things we did. Exspecially when it was something bad. And then when I would play with barbies and make them to something stupid I would think boy they are going to get mad at me for this.

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When I was younger, like 4 years old, I would run throughout the house collecting every single shoe I could find. I would then line them up back-to-back in the hallways and pretend they were cars. And of course, I would get mad when my oldest brother would knock them out of order or pick out his shoes. I would say to everybody in my house to not touch the shoes until they all get home. Apparently, "home" were their closets and I would run from the front of the line all the way to the back moving the shoes inch by inch. I eventually grew out of this phase when I was 7 years old when we moved into a new house where the closets had shelves inwhich everybody would put their shoes on. And of course, they would be too tall for me to reach, lol! I'm now 14 and can't believe I ever played with shoes!

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i used to think that my barbies would become alive whenever i wasnt looking, so i would hide under a cover and pretend not to be there, hoping to catch them.

lindsey loo
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When I was young I used to believe that the A La Cart Kitchen really did heat things up. In fact, I was 20 years old before I was told it didn't cook at which point I realised that small children and hot things probably don't go well together.

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when i was 9 or younger i saw a movie a bout evil cats that killed people, at that time i had a ceramic cat in my and thought that when i was alone it would come to life and attack me.

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My sister taught me a card game called "Spite And Malice". At the time I was unfamiliar with the words in its name. I played it for years without understanding its name, but thinking it was "Strike The Mouse", never understanding why it would be called that. Now that I know the real words in its name, I don't know why it would be called "Spite And Malice" either.

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I used to believe that my stuffed monkey was alive
because when I wake up in the morning he would be starring at me......creepy...

Afraid of monkey...
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when I was little I used to think tht my stuffed animals threw a party and when I cam back they stopped

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when i was about 7 or 8, my sister and i had this medium-sized doll whom we called "nancy" and one night we watched child's play (about a killer doll) and we went to bed, and we thought if we left our feet or arms out of the blankets, nancy would get an axe and chop our feet or arms of when we are sleeping. so my sister used to cover nancy with a blanket and stuff her in the closet. and i am 14 right now and my sister is 12 and nancy went to donation a long time ago, but my sister still belives in that story! And I find it quite hilarious!

nicole S.
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I used to be afraid of monsters attacking me in my sleep, but I also thought that monsters would die if they went in the light. So I then figured that my teddy bear must put out some kind of invisible light that only monsters could see.

A. Nony Mous
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