i used to believe

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I used to believe that several and couple meant the same thing. (example: several things versus a couple of things) I was always confused why when I asked for a couple of things that I would be given only 2 every time. LOL!!!

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I thought several was a specific large number because I never learned exactly how many it was and I knew the smaller ones. Once when I was about four years old, I threw one of my toys on the ground and it broke. My mother yelled at me, "That cost several dollars!" So I said, "I can't count that high!"

Colin T
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Up into about the 3rd or 4th grade i thought the number three was pronounced "Free"

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When I was little, I was confused with the decimal system. It's easier to show as an example how I counted: "..., twenty-eight, twenty-nine, twenty-ten, twenty-eleven, twenty-twelve", and so on. When the count reached "twenty-nineteen", the next number (twenty-twenty) just didn't seem to make sense. It took me over a year to realize that the number after 29 is 30.

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I used to think that once meant 2, and twice meant 3.

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When I was very small, I couldn't deal with the fact that there were "number words" that weren't definite. I mean words like "a couple", "a few" and "several". I pestered my mother about this until she told me that "a couple" was 2. Eventually I made up a whole system where "a few" was 3, and "several" was 7. It took me a while to come to terms with the fact that people were sometimes just talking about an unspecified number!

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I can't believe how many people associated numbers with gender! Although I know that there's no real connection, I still can't help feeling that even numbers and 0 are feminine, and odd numbers are masculine. Some, like 10 and 30, are a bit ambiguous.

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When I was little I thought ten was the highest number in the world.

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I used to feel that numbers had certain characteristics. Odd numbers were thin and male, while even numbers were fat and female.

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Before I started kindergarten, I used to beleive that there were only 12 numbers, 1-12. I thought this because at the moment, my fave number was 12 :P lol. (I was also under the impression, "Save the best for last", so 12 was the last number). dont get me wrong, I was pretty smart, i knew all of my ABC's! (but i knew there were 26 letters of the alphabet...) my know-it-all cousin who was the same age as me, finally set me straight and told me that numbers went on forever! man, i was soo disapointed! :'(

Charlotte (age 14 =] )
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I used to belive that ten was the biggist number

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Zero and Zorro were easily confused words.
Of course you can't divide by Zorro! It's not a number!!!!!!

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I used to believe that eg 1+1=11 and 2+2=22.
Luckily that only lasted until age 2 1/2.

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I don't know why, but when I was first learning to count it went like this : 1... 2... 3 ...4... 5 ...6 ...7... 8... 9... 10 ...11 ....12 ....30... 31... 32 ...33 .....

I can't remember why I thought you went from 12 to 30 but I counted like that for almost a year till my dad told me the correct way....

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I used to believe that the only types of math problems that existed were addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

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top belief!

Not so much an "I used to believe" but...

When I was in 2nd or 3rd Grade, my parents made sure I knew my multiplication tables up to 12x12 (or I wouldn't get to go out and play). We hadn't yet been taught this in school, but I darn well made sure I had them memorised, as summer was soon coming around.

One day on the playground, I ended up in a fistfight with another classmate, as we got into an argument about 2x2. His stance was: "There is NO way 2x2 can equal 4, as 2+2 equals 4. Multiplication is different than addition, so you are lying!"

I'm not sure how it escalated to blows, but needless to say, the Assistant Principle could barely contain her mirth after we were pulled into her office.

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top belief!

My cousin used to think that the lowest number in existence was negative zero. He knew that negative numbers were all lower than positive ones, but he wouldn't believe me when I told him they were in reverse order.

Joe Martinez
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I used to believe that odd numbers were male and even number were female. So in my head they were all dating. 1 was dating 2. 3 was engaged to 4. 5 was married to 6. And 6 was cheating on 5 with 7. ( I don't know what happened to 8,9,0... )

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When I was in kindergarten one day we were learning about numbers and we were counting. It seemed like forever that we were counting outloud so I asked my friend "when do numbers stop?". She told me that "they never end!". And I couldn't understand that at all so I thought she was just nuts and was that obsessed with numbers!

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top belief!

when i was little, concepts and inanimate objects were either nice or mean. My favorite things to classify according to mood were numbers and colors. my least favorite number was five, because it was an odd number, and it just sounded mean. I decided that five was a really mean old librarian. My favorite number was two...she was a princess. One was a nerdy tall guy in a green suit, and seven was a nosy man who liked to look over fences at what the neighbors were doing. I had issues.

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