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English is not my native language, I started learning it when I was 10. Until high school, I used to believe that there was an English word "ough", which meant insufficient, and "enough" was its negated version.

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I used to believe that when people wrote in cursive, they were writing in Spanish.

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As a child I knew that in Israel the language spoken was Hebrew. Since my exposure to Hebrew was limited to the chanting I heard at Synagogue, I assumed that in Israel people went around chanting to each other all day.

Alex S.
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I used to think everyone in the world spoke english and that other languages were just secret code words. like gibberish or pig latin.

STUdagooPidagID AdagaMERidIgaCidagIN
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i used to believe that my parents can speak all the world languages... that´s because when i was a little boy (and i couldn´t tell one form another) so whenever i asked them which language the actors in movies are speaking the always gave me answer... so i thought they can simply speak all that languages

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In a history class, actually we were fairly old, a girl in the back perks up in the middle of a discussion about one of the worl wars, and contribute to the conversation with this "Oh, do they speak english in Great Britain?"

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When my brother was about 5 years old, he came to me asking why people spoke other languages. He had just assumed everyone thought in English but translated it into other languages in their heads before saying things.
It was really tough to explain that many of these people didn't know any English, much less think English thoughts.

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When I came to the States, I was learning English in ESL English as a Second language) Program, and all the other students in the class were from different countries too. I couldn't hear the difference in pronounciation and spelling of the words 'shit' and 'sheet', 'ship' and 'sheep', and the worst of all 'skank' and 'skunk'!!! So I was using this words very wrongly among other students. Since they didn't know better, I kept on missusing the words until I asked my teacher a "shit" of paper in order to write the story of how I ran over a skank w/my car!

Inci Palmer
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I used to bekeive philosiphy was a language, because my mom tought spanish and my dad taught philosiphy, and I would ask him things like "Say (so and so) in philosiphy.

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Greets everybody! :)
When I was a lil kid, I used to believe that everybody's Hungarian, or at least, everybody on Earth speaks Hungarian as his/her mother tongue.
To understand this thing, first I should state that I am Hungarian. I thought that there were people from every in the world, but all of them spoke Hungarian among each other, but among the different nationalities and countries it had different official names, like English, German, etc .... Or actually, we call them that way .... But whose language it is, they call it Hungarian, so everybody has his/her own hungarian :)
How silly I was! :P

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I used to believe that because kids in school learned English, then kids in English-speaking countries would be learning my native language.

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I thought all poems in all languages were written so that they would rhyme when they were translated into English.

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I used to think that people who spoke foreign languages only spoke them, but their thoughts were in english like mine.

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I used to believe that foreign languages used the same words as me only they used them differently (e.g. instead of calling a rabbit a rabbit they would call it a fork or something)

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When I was little, we had one of those potty-training books that tells the story of a little girl or boy that gets potty trained, gets their own potty, etc. The book's choice of words often confused me when I would read it because it used the word "urine" to refer to pee. I had never heard the word before, but I could tell that it referred to pee somehow. When my little sister asked me to read the book to her, she stopped me and asked what "urine" meant. I confidently told her that it was the Spanish word for pee. What a dope.

No hablo espanol!
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I used to believe that, being American, all the people in the world who did not speak English actually understood the language, and just took the extra time to 'convert' it into their own language so that we could not understand what they were saying. I thought this up through first grade, while we occasionally learned Spanish during that time so that we could also disguise our conversations as well

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When I was about 8 years old my mom took me to the shoe store. I thought the woman who attended to us talked funny and I asked my mom why. My mom said it was because she had an accent. (She had a French accent). I missheard what she had said. I thought my mom said 'accident' and for years I thought people who talked funny had been in accidents!!

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Even though I am american, I used to believe that I spoke English and all my friends spoke "American." I don't really know why I thought this, maybe something my mom told me. I thought this in pre-school

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When I was little my parents would take me and my brother to disneyland which is the place I learned that there are a lot of different languages by listining to people in lines waiting for rides. Me and my brother thought that we could talk to each other and would fool people that we were speaking another language. It probably sounded like "jabba habbla blah bleep". We would nod along in our conversation and thought that every one else would be trying to figure out what we were saying the same way that we were trying to figure out what they were saying.

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When i was little i used to think that when a foreign person spoke subtitles would appear, like in a foreign movie or something.

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