i used to believe

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top belief!

I thought when someone was described as being "mild-mannered" it meant they didn't have very good manners

Samilton Duerheiser
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When i was in playschool we used to get sweets on a Friday, our teacher would always say "you'll all get sweets tomorrow" on a Thursday. I firmly believed "tomorrow" was another word for "friday".

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Quite a few years ago, we went away with some friends near Christmas time and we were talking abut what our New Year's resolutions were going to be, and one of my friends said she gesticulated a lot when she talked and that her family etc said it can be annoying, so she was going to try and not do it so much. I had no idea what it meant, but for some reason, I thought it was something to do with sex, so i looked round really awkwardly as if to say 'Is she allowed to say that????' even though no one else flinched when she said it. I now realise why!!

Lauren Nind
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When I was younger, I used to think when my mom said "P.O. Box" she was really saying "Pill Box." So I wondered why she would call it as pill box as if there were medicine pills in there when there was only mail. Just recently am I finding out that it's pronounced Pee-Oh box.

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I used to think people were saying "Youth in Asia" when talking about "Euthanasia." I never understood why everyone was obsessed with talking about little kids from Asia.

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I used to believe that people were born with accents.

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top belief!

i used to believe that our voice is limited. if you talk too much as a kid, you wont be able to talk again when you're old.

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I used to believe that if I spoke any sort of gibberish I'd actually be speaking some secret spell that would unleash bad things (monsters, plagues, death) upon the world.

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For most of my life, I've thought that a jukebox was actually a "jutebox."

I also recently found out that it's "eavesdrop" as apposed to "easedrop," which I thought it was.

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When I was little I thought that the saying was "party gifts" instead of "parting gifts". I thought that the people who lost on games shows got prizes that were called party gifts because they were fun!

Loves any gifts
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I used to believe when I was little that "cognito" was a place because I would hear the phrase "____ is hiding incognito".

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I thought adultery was when you acted too much like an adult as a kid and wondered whats so bad about that?

Butch McFear
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top belief!

behind the times ment behind the newspaper!!!!!!!

Neon Anon
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I used to believe that people who spoke different languages just had different ears than us. If someone was speaking spanish, i thought they heard english.

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top belief!

When I was little I expected every word had an abbreviated version i.e. hamburger to burger, etc. I made my parents drop to the floor laughing when I was 7, asking them "Don't only old people live in condoms?" I thought I was talking about condominiums.

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top belief!

After being corrected for saying "doin'" instead of "doing", my friend's daughter decided it was bad grammar to pronounce ANY word with an "-n" sound at the end. For years she added a g to the ends of words- "button"became "butting", "kitten" was "kitting". She even called a classmate "Kristing".

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I used to think that if someone was "behind the times", that meant that they were dead. Ironically, I first heard the expression used in a song from a kid's show, and I became upset wondering why they would mention such a terrible thing in a song for little ones.

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I used to think that the words "supposed to" were "post to" and said it that way till I learned to spell it in 4th grade!

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When I was little, I used to believe that Baskin Robbins was called Batman and Robin's. For the longest time I never knew why everyone would laugh at me when I said, "Hey mom, can we go to Batman and Robin's?"

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When I was little my mother called being naked 'nakey-no-nos' as in, "bath time, get in your nakey-no-nos". I believed this was a common term everyone used until I was about 17.

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