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My sister had her own language as a toddler. Once she told my dad and me she needed a "bone for her didden". We had no idea what she was talking about and had to call my mom to interpret.

She wanted a comb for her hair.

Bonnie's Sister
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Until I was probably thirteen, when my mom referred to the list she would give my dad to do on weekends as "A Honey-Do List", I always wondered what on earth honeydew melons had to do with it!

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When I was little, I got the words "cannibal" and "barbarian" confused. My mom joked that my uncle "ate like a barbarian" once and for almost a year I was terrified of him because i thought he ate people.

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I used to think that Italian was just English with O and A at the end!

Rochelle Peachey
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I used to believe when people booed at a sports game or comedy, they were actually saying," Oooo!" like they were interested. I thought it was a good thing to be booed.

Thought people liked my jokes
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When I was little, my friend used the word "oxymoron." When I asked her what it meant, she said it was a horrible insult. I went around calling people oxymorons for a couple of years until someone finally told me what it really means!

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When I was 5, I came home from school begging my mum for 20p so I could buy a puppy. Boy was I dissapointed the next day when they were only selling poppies for rememberence day.

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I used to think I could speak Cat. I would say 'meow meow meow' while thinking the words I wanted to say to it and thought the cat would understand me. :)

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My Sister And I Used To Believe That If You Said Something 3 Times You Would Tern Into That.

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When I was younger, a friend of mine told me that to be "mature" meant that you had a lot of friends, and being "immature" was like being a loser, geek, nerd, etc.

I went on for months calling people I didn't like "immature."

When I was about 10 I actually looked up "mature".

I still call people I don't like immature. and I know what it means.

Mature Young Woman
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When I was little, when people spoke of going to the nearby town of Cedar Rapids (Iowa), I thought they were saying they were going to "See the rabbits." I asked my mom if we could go see the rabbits sometime. When she finally comprehended what I was talking about, she set me straight. I was disappointed, my vision of a vibrant rabbit community dispelled.

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When I was younger I thought that the abbreviation lbs, stood for "illables". I then told people that I weighed some number of illables. It wasn't until middle school that my mom told me illables wasn't a word and it actually stood for pounds.

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I used to believe that stereotypes were people who used steroids.

Confused Stereotype
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When I was little I used to believe that after jail you would be sent to Peru because I thought they were saying fifteen years with "Peru." So when I watched crime shows and said fifteen years with parole, it meant fifteen years then sent to Peru.

Ky Main
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I used to think "decorum" was a bottle of rum that sat on a table as decoration. I blame it on the book where I first saw it used...

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When I was 4 a Sunday school teacher told me I had to "apologize" to another student for something, except I did not know what that word meant. I thought she said polish your eyes, and that it was slang for "you must now cry" or something. So I started crying and rubbing my eyes. She asked me what was wrong, and I said I didn't know what the word meant. She explained that it meant to say sorry, which I promptly did.

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When I was about 7 I stayed with my grandparents for the summer. They kept talking about how they were going to "win a bagel". I just didn't understand why they were going to win a bagel. I later learned they were going to buy a camper, a Winnebago!

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I heard the phrase "sitting on your laurels" - I thought laurels was a polite term for buttocks.

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When I was four, by best friend from preschool called me selfish. I was convinced that I was some weird species of fish.

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When I was a kid I thought that New Hampshire was pronounced New Hamster. I couldn't for the life of me figure out why everyone (including the teacher) laughed at me in 5th grade when I gave my presentation on New Hamster!

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