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top belief!

For years I heard the word "ostentatious" and thought it was some dialectical pronunciation of "Austin, Texas".

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top belief!

When I started kindergarten, my teacher would call out our full names in class ('Jane Marie Smith' instead of just 'Jane Smith'). For the first week and a half, I did not answer and wondered why she never spoke to me. When she asked my why I never answered her, I explained that she never called my name. A heated argument followed and I went home to tell my mom how crazy my teacher was. I was outraged to find out that my middle name was indeed what the teacher had claimed and was NOT Pumpkin. I quietly apologized to my teacher the next day and have not been called "pumpkin" since.

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when i was around 6 I was at school
when it was recess me and my friends were playing with a little rubber octopus.
i stretched out the tentacle's and one broke off
and so i yelled "oh shoot i broke off one of its testicles!"
I meant to say tentacle.
i had no idea what a testicle was .
I Felt so embarrassed after my teachers reaction.

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My best friend and i were talking one day and i mentioned that my boyfriend's sister was "as pure as the driven snow". My friend said, "Don't you mean the UN-driven snow? It gets pretty dirty after you drive on it." I guess she thought the phrase meant someone was on longer pure, like snow that has been driven over with a vehicle. I tried not to laugh as i explain that it was driven as is blown by the wind, not driven like a car.

Rachel Gordon's friend
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I used to believe that the word 'indie' was a way of saying that something was made in India. Like everytime I heard about indie movies & indie music, I wondered how the heck so many things could be made in India! But then it dawned on me that indie meant independent. XD

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I'm a Finn, and I used to believe that everyone in the world understands Finnish. Also when, say, two Englishmen would talk English to each other, they actually hear it as Finnish.

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top belief!

One time, around 4th grade, I got into an argument with a friend. We were trying to decide if it was 'Old Timers Disease' or 'All Timers Disease'. When we asked my friends mother, we found out it was Alzheimer's.

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I used to think the shallow end of the pool was the hollow end of the pool.

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I thought I invented the word yesterday

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I wish to beleive that white Christmast was for white people.

Ati Mosupyoe
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When I was a kid my father had a file holder on his desk that was like a hybrid between a letter rack and a lazy susan. His secretaries would put things in there he needed to deal with immediately.

The first time I ever heard someone say "I'll put that in my circular file" I formed an immediate association with the filing tool on my father's desk and the phrase. Obviously very important things went in the circular file!

Well into my adult life I'd use that phrase in conversation, not realizing I was implying that I would immediately throw the item I had just been given into the trash.

Boss: Ok, this project is critically important.
Me: I'll put it in my circular file right away!
Boss: .... Uhh ....

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My family name is pronounced "Wah" and I thought when my parents were talking about a large number of something they were talking about the "'Wah' Zoo," meaning our family or our house. So it was a large amount of something that we had. I was VERY confused when I heard a friend using the term "up the wazoo" in regards to her family . . . I told her she should use the term "Jones's zoo" since that was her last name.

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I had a large group of girlfriends with whom I walked to and from elementary school. We always walked in the street because on the sidewalk we had to walk in a line (and it was a small town so traffic was minimal). One day I went home and announced to my mom that we were the "street walkers". She cracked up and then suggested that we come up with a different term to describe ourselves. It was many years before I understood why.

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When I was little, my brother would always say to me "You're sttttt....upendous!!" I would get so upset because I thought stupendous meant stupid, so I would always tell on him, and my mum would just go "So?"

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I used to believe (thanks to my brother...) that whenever anybody said 'They', they were talking about my other brother's class. "They're going to build a huge bridge across the river." "Who's they?" "Greg's class!"

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I used to think the expression "to be in a quandry" was "to be in a quarry" It seemed logical to me because if you were stuck in a quarry this would definitely be a big problem!

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I used to believe that the saying "I was a pawn in that situation" was actually I was a prawn which made sense because that meant I was a little shrimp and people could boss me around.

julie adams
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I used to hear random words and start using them out of context.
For example, my dad did something funny, and I said to my mother, "Dad's such a jerk".
Fortunately I never attempted it with any swear words.

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i used to believe that if you were sat in a comfortable chair for example you were 'comfty', not 'comfy' and also that 'helicopters' were 'helicockters'

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top belief!

Until I was nearly six, I thought that lasagna was called "vagina". My aunt used to make vegetable lasagna, which i loved, and I enthusiastically always told her "I LOVE vagina!"

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